If you know the avoids. And do not Gas
- Antioxidants (sulfite, ascorbic acid, etc..) Are present mainly in wine, beer, soft drinks, fruit juices, cheese, dried fruits, sauces and shellfish. Can promote tooth decay and digestive disorders.
- Preservatives are found mainly in snack foods, beverages, cheese, sauces, pre-baked products, canned foods. They can cause allergies and intolerances.
- Dyes can be natural (chlorophyll, carotenoids, antociani) o artificiali come il giallo di tartrazina, il rosso cocciniglia ecc. Possono essere responsabili di intolleranze alimentari.
- Gli addensanti (gomma arabica, carbossimetilcellulosa) sono presenti soprattutto in dolci, caramelle, marmellate, gelati, creme, budini, formaggi molli e condimenti pronti. In dosi elevate, possono avere effetto lassativo.
- Stabilizzanti (polifosfati): trattengono l’acqua dei prodotti. Possono fare aumentare il tasso di colesterolo e di grassi nel sangue o provocare disturbi renali.
- I dolcificanti naturali (sorbitolo, xilitolo, maltitolo ecc.) e sintetici (Saccharin, aspartame, acesulfame, etc..) Are used in products as "light" or "no sugar" in place of sucrose to reduce the caloric value of foods. At high doses can give intestinal disorders and, in some cases (aspartame), their safe use is not clear.
- Flavour enhancer (glutamate monopod), mainly cause intestinal symptoms (this is the so-called "Chinese restaurant syndrome").
- hydrogenated oils and fats: found in sweets and snacks, may give reactions to intestinal intolerance.
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