Thursday, December 3, 2009

My Booty Vision Pinky

Danze Compatte

Here I am! After several days of absence from the blog due to fast-paced work, I go back to promote an event that I think are worth a mention: Short Formats.
It is a festival of dance formats compact, short, short choreographic creations that are presented in the spaces of CRT Teatro Dell'Arte, Milan, a theater that has made the history of avant-garde theater in Milan and Italian shape as the most important center in the field of theatrical experimentation and research . Many are the names of important artists who have collaborated with the theater, thus contributing significantly to the evolution of the Italian theatrical scene since the seventies to today: Kantor Thierry Salmon, by Eugenio Barba Pippo Delbono.
Recognized since 2000 as 'Promotion Board of the Dance', the CRT has always an intense effort to spread the contemporary dance and research in our country is Short Formats il festival che il CRT dedica allo sviluppo della ricerca coreografica.
Giunto quest'anno alla sua decima edizione il festival รจ curato da uno dei coreografi di rilievo della scena contemporanea, Roberto Castello, direttore artistico della compagnia Aldes e del centro di formazione e ricerca Spam!.
Nel programma dell'evento Castello ha deciso di affiancare nomi noti e cari agli amanti della danza contemporanea italiana e nomi meno noti di coreografi emergenti. Numerosi gli eventi collaterali che vanno ad arricchire l'offerta tra cui masterclass gratuite, incontri con gli artisti, conferenze, dj set, ricchi premi e cotillons (scherzo!)
Insomma, un programma frizzantino per chi ama l'arte del movimento o per tutti coloro i quali vogliono be a different night ... The atmosphere is fun and fast pace thanks to a wonderful organizational machine, between a show and another is the time for a drink at the bar inside the theater. And in the end you can dance ... everybody!

Short Formats - Festival of New Dance
CRT Tetro art from 2 to 5th December 2009
Alemagna Avenue, 6 - Milan (Cadorna mm1/mm2)

For more info and to see the detailed program



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