type Croissant French
1kg flour
70g sugar
70g butter
150gr eggs
15g malto
15gr sale integrale
400gr latte fresco
2gr aromi – vaniglia/limoni
300gr pasta madre dopo i 3 rinnovi x ultima
Let rise for 2 hours and then refrigerate for 2 hours. Add 400g butter in the folds give 2 to 3 folds. x refrigerate 1 hour and then roll out and cut the triangles form rise x 4 / 5 hours and bake at 190 degrees x 18 minutes.
Pan Fruit
1.5 kg flour
500gr fresh milk
50g rice malt
200gr sugar
50g fructose
30g whole salt
300gr tuorli
500gr burro
750gr sultanina
1,2kg pasta madre dopo i 3 rinnovi
2gr aromi vaniglia di bacca
5g aromas of lemon and orange peel grated
NB same process of croissants. Place on paper molds and inform at 180 degrees x 25 minutes if they are pieces of 500gr.
1) Renewal at 17:00
Home is: 50g sourdough
100g flour manitoba
50g water 26 degrees
2) Renewal at 21:00
100gr of 1.rinnovo
100g flour manitoba
50g water 26 degrees
do rise at room temperature to 22 degrees x 10 hours. In a bowl avuolta from cellophane (plastic wrap food x)
Next Day
3) 7:00 pm 50g sourdough
100g flour manitoba
50g water 26 degrees
4) 11:00 am 100gr of 1 refreshment
100g flour manitoba
50g water 26 degrees
5) 15:00 pm 100gr of 2nd party
100g flour manitoba
50g water 26 degrees
6) 20:00 pm x 5 hours and rise
first mixture
500g flour 120g sugar cane 150gr soft butter
240gr warm water 26 degrees
150gr the 3rd party did
6 egg egg
1) Beat together the egg yolks with water
2) Add flour and mix the sugar with the egg yolks and water, combine the yeast and work x 15 minutes, then add the butter mixture and complete the x 8-10 minutes. Place in a bowl a bit 'of butter and keep in a warm place 10-12 hours. Should double in three times its volume.
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