Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Red Blood Splotches On Skin

Turkey rolls stuffed with mustard sauce and chocolate hazelnut

Ebbene sì...della serie 'Noi delle calorie ce ne freghiamo!'...
Ma ne bastano un paio per sentirsi sazi :)
Direi che è una ricetta golosa, giusta per le fredde sere d'inverno...Sarebbe bello gustare queste prelibatezze seduti in fronte alle scricchiolanti fiamme di un bel camino, but you can also settle for an electric heating!
Noting that at home I still had the dark chocolate Sacher I used to come up with a recipe that I had read some time ago and talked about 'chocolate bunny' ... Now, not being a lover of rabbit I decided to revisit the recipe using turkey meat, specifically the breast roll to roll that I use as a filling of chopped mustard Cremona (to understand the whole mixed fruit). I served with light rice pudding and pea (maybe white is better).
Do not worry if you see the recipe and garlic mixed with chocolate, the result is really good!
Even my boyfriend, which is rather critical and faithful to the usual combinations, has highly appreciated:)

Ingredients (8 rolls):
350g turkey breast sliced \u200b\u200bonion

30g dark chocolate chopped hazelnuts


salt pepper red wine

a piece of nut butter

(I'm going with the dosage a little 'eye)

For the flan:
rice (one glass)

butter cream peas


Put the slices of turkey to marinate in a pot containing red wine, salt, pepper, bay leaf, garlic and cinnamon and let's leave them there to add flavor for at least an hour.
When marinade is ready we can begin to give shape to our rolls and prepare tasty sughino (Please do not throw the marinade! Seviri later ...)
The rolls do not devono essere troppo grossi, per cui tagliamo le fette di tacchino in rettangoli di circa 8cmx4cm (che precisione!) e farciamole con della semplice mostarda tagliata a pezzetti piccoli, arrotoliamo e fermiamo con degli stecchini.
Completata questa fase infariniamo e mettiamo a rosolare in olio ben caldo in una casseruola.

Lasciamo rosolare finché gli involtini risulteranno belli dorati. Mettiamo gli involtini in un piatto e lasciamoli da parte un attimo. Nella stessa casseruola fate soffriggere un trito di cipolla e carota con dell'olio e un pezzetto di burro, poi aggiungete un bicchier d'acqua e un dado.
Lasciate stufare for about ten minutes, then add the liquid from the marinade (but not the garlic that keep apart to make the chocolate sauce). At this point the rolls can add a splash of red wine and let it soften a bit. Meanwhile fry the garlic (3 is enough) in a saucepan with oil, when they start to brown remove from heat and crush them their hot oil adding the chocolate into small pieces and a bit 'of sughino mustard (there goccino would also like a brandy ...). Mix well and pour into the saucepan of rolls. Let cook for a few minutes stirring the rolls.
Apart from you while the pies prepared by cooking rice rice a little water so the grains absorb all the water. When cooked add a bit of butter, stir. Then cream, Parmesan cheese and peas cooked if you want. At the end must have a rather creamy texture. Put it in the molds and pressatelo slightly. Et voila ... ready to Serve. Bon Appetit!


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