Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Convert Drivers To Linux Pet

salmon in orange and green pepper

also theater, dance, travel, movies ... but for now I enjoy it a bit 'in the kitchen!

And what about ... except that the intolerance of people have reached highs not seen in the history of public transport Yay ... the saga of the day: 13.30 delivery to take the bus to get comfortable in 3 hours Travel to the beautiful lake and my family.
Arrive at the bus station and of course, is 'just started'. MH. In these cases, even the most fundamentalist of slowradicalecoequosolidaliproambiente would like to have in my hands a nice SUV 3.8 petrol to embark on the highway, but alas ... I decided then to fall back on the underground (for the swearing already spent € 20 and all) to go to the train station ... Where do I get a nice train that is about to leave: a disguised bell'intercity supermegapluscityinterspace the modest price of the 67euri km Evvabbè ... ... since then I have to shoot another piece by bus I say, 'Let's take it !'... who else coming to the beautiful lake and the family the day after Christmas. I go up and find myself in a pit of businessmen / women all taken between handhelds, iPhone, PC, Mac, tails, and sgnac TicTac. I sit and feel the torporedatreno already beginning to take possession of me, I pretend to read The Republic. Mica I fall asleep, the train is not even started! Oh well look the start and then you go drooling on the window! Let's start, peek of circumstance the neighbors to see if the case is engaging in a debate on the theory of relativity, but I am very glad to note that an already blissful sleep and the other reads mouse. Ok, I sleep too!
But no! Two of those who make the economy turn sitting in front of me is put to quarrel with a lady behind, which I hear only the voice.
The problem: the curtain.
Ah yes, them down, on the other.
'We have to work' 'Not I.' 'It's better this way, she certainly would not have much success!'
'what about the controller?!' 'This or that you put the work out alone or I'll get' 'You're very kind' 'Last week I put down a lawyer and an engineer who wanted to punch '... And I already imagined a riot of blood and ties to Tarantino ... but nothing. At the end of 'wool suits in a mouse' and her boyfriend decided to move their behinds exbocconiani elsewhere. Okay
everything to tell you that in the end I made it home ... All of this without saying, however, that I made the whole trip with the salmon steaks in a backpack because my freezer now lives its own life and you are incorporating all the kitchen ... so I had to bring home the cost of yesterday ... evvabbè. So I suggest that the arrival and
mami to cook salmon this blessed poor are fed up!
We decide to move towards' orange and seeds of green pepper '.

very simple recipe, a little 'detail.
Ingredients: salmon steaks

Butter / Flour
Juice of one lemon and one orange (+ skin)
pepper green bean / mint leaves / Marjoram

white wine salt / pepper

Place the slices salmon marinated in olive oil, lemon juice and orange juice and salt. Let me take
flavor for half an hour or an hour. Then drained salmon, flour it well pretty well and put a brown in a skillet with butter. Meanwhile add the green pepper marinade (five grains crushed enough), a couple of mint leaves, marjoram and grated rind of 1 / 2 lemon and 1 / 2 arancia.
Quando inizia a rosolarsi aggiungete del vino bianco e lasciate sfumare. Dopodiche aggiungete la marinata e lasciate addensare. Cuocete fino a cottura desiderata, ma non troppo!
Ottimo con un contorno di insalata belga cotta e condita con olio e parmigiano.
Veloce e gustoso.
Bon Appetit!


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