Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Chicken Wing Wholesale In Orlando
Monday, November 16, 2009
Snoqualmie Falls Oatmeal
Olio Extravergine di Oliva del Garda Bresciano DOP
The silvery leaves, fragrant fruits, the gnarled trunks make it elegant and unique.
most cultivated plants and oil that give rise typical of this area are the Casaliva, crusher, Leccino and Gargnà (Gargnano). The harvest starts in the first days of November and continues no later than January 15, the olives must be delivered to mills within five days of collection. Mills began processing the olives from which it will extract the precious nectar First the olives are separated from the remaining foliage and then are washed to remove any residue, then pass the draw itself with the crushing and the gremolata with which we obtain the olive paste, all rigorously cold. From here you get three elements: the residue, the liquid oil and vegetation that is still cloudy and must be filtered to get her beautiful clear color. The main feature
Extra Virgin Olive Oil DOP Garda is the low acidity (0.2% - 0.3%), which makes the soft palate. The range of colors ranging from pale yellow to golden green, the scent has hints of fruits and herbs and the flavor is sweet and fruity with a hint of spice.
If you want to know more, please contact: Association of olive producers Lombardi (AIPOL), Consortium for the Protection of the Extra Virgin Olive Oil DOP GARDA
Even my family as a small produce their own oil.
The olive harvest is surely a moment of joy, even if the job is so hard and soon you hear. All are engaged in the enterprise: My father is the official collector, then there are mothers and grandmothers who collect the olives from the nets in the tubs and ensure the cleaning of the fruit from leaves and twigs. I take photos;)
The clean olives are placed in crates and taken to the mill.
Here you start the procedure to produce the oil. The garda
oil is good raw, but also to be used in the preparation of traditional and not.
Thanks to its therapeutic properties tested is an excellent basis for the preparation of compounds for skin and hair, adding some kinds of aromatic herbs gives a blessing to be used on numerous occasions.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil DOP Garda is the low acidity (0.2% - 0.3%), which makes the soft palate. The range of colors ranging from pale yellow to golden green, the scent has hints of fruits and herbs and the flavor is sweet and fruity with a hint of spice.
If you want to know more, please contact: Association of olive producers Lombardi (AIPOL), Consortium for the Protection of the Extra Virgin Olive Oil DOP GARDA
Even my family as a small produce their own oil.
The olive harvest is surely a moment of joy, even if the job is so hard and soon you hear. All are engaged in the enterprise: My father is the official collector, then there are mothers and grandmothers who collect the olives from the nets in the tubs and ensure the cleaning of the fruit from leaves and twigs. I take photos;)
The clean olives are placed in crates and taken to the mill.
Here you start the procedure to produce the oil. The garda
oil is good raw, but also to be used in the preparation of traditional and not.
Thanks to its therapeutic properties tested is an excellent basis for the preparation of compounds for skin and hair, adding some kinds of aromatic herbs gives a blessing to be used on numerous occasions.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
What Do You Think About The Name Julia
Ciambella di Ricotta con Canditi Bio e Uvetta accompagnata da Zabaione al Vin Cotto e Nocino
A ring that recalls the colors and scents of autumn, perfect to warm foggy November afternoon. From
accompany with the delicious eggnog and mulled wine to warm walnut and maybe a glass of mulled mulled . A ring that recalls the colors and scents of autumn, perfect to warm foggy November afternoon. From
For the cake:
300g flour 200g sugar 3 eggs
150g ricotta 1 cup
Virgin Olive Oil a pinch of salt
half glass of wine a pinch of Cotto
a packet of yeast
raisins and candied fruit (preferably homemade)
For the zabaglione:
6 egg yolks 120g sugar
half a glass of mulled wine
two tablespoons of walnut liqueur
Now, before proceeding I tell you that the wine is cooked grape must put in a pot and let thicken. I do not know how I asked my mother for advice that is readily American went to collect the grapes (high sugar) from the vineyard of my grandfather, he pressed a hand and put the filtered juice in a saucepan. I then I decided to cook this concoction the fragrance until it becomes a sort of caramel, although I used the cake when he was still quite fluid. As for the candied
I used home-made (cedar), sooner or later I'll do a post on this topic, I promise! The walnut liqueur is homemade (my mother does these things:))
Now we can begin ...
Whip eggs with sugar, then add the ricotta cheese and continue stirring. Now add the cooked wine, and oil. Add meal plan (preferably sifted) and gradually the other ingredients: cinnamon, in yeast, a pinch of salt, raisins and candied fruit. When the mixture is smooth and no lumps can put it in a well-greased sandwich tin and bake at 180 degrees for 35 minutes.
In the meantime you can make the zabaglione Beat the egg yolks with sugar and then bake the mixture in a bain marie
. Add while cooking the mulled wine and walnut, to achieve the boil and whenever you see that the cream has become swollen and foamy. At this point everything is ready ... Bon Appetit
300g flour 200g sugar 3 eggs
150g ricotta 1 cup
Virgin Olive Oil a pinch of salt
half glass of wine a pinch of Cotto
a packet of yeast
raisins and candied fruit (preferably homemade)
For the zabaglione:
6 egg yolks 120g sugar
half a glass of mulled wine
two tablespoons of walnut liqueur
Now, before proceeding I tell you that the wine is cooked grape must put in a pot and let thicken. I do not know how I asked my mother for advice that is readily American went to collect the grapes (high sugar) from the vineyard of my grandfather, he pressed a hand and put the filtered juice in a saucepan. I then I decided to cook this concoction the fragrance until it becomes a sort of caramel, although I used the cake when he was still quite fluid. As for the candied
I used home-made (cedar), sooner or later I'll do a post on this topic, I promise! The walnut liqueur is homemade (my mother does these things:))
Now we can begin ...
Whip eggs with sugar, then add the ricotta cheese and continue stirring. Now add the cooked wine, and oil. Add meal plan (preferably sifted) and gradually the other ingredients: cinnamon, in yeast, a pinch of salt, raisins and candied fruit. When the mixture is smooth and no lumps can put it in a well-greased sandwich tin and bake at 180 degrees for 35 minutes.
In the meantime you can make the zabaglione Beat the egg yolks with sugar and then bake the mixture in a bain marie
. Add while cooking the mulled wine and walnut, to achieve the boil and whenever you see that the cream has become swollen and foamy. At this point everything is ready ... Bon Appetit
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Girdle Advertisements
Garageband Jam Pack: Remix Tools
Miss Sarajevo
The most fascinating thing of Sarajevo is this stubborn urbanity that survives the winter, cannons, food restrictions, lack of electricity, water and gas . Do not really understand why the popular television world have gone there to search for images of death. They did not understand anything. In war, Sarajevo was the true image of life. His trickle any remaining comfort, his stubborn attachment to the rituals of an old bourgeois life. A short walk from the trenches rancid, theaters functioned, people knew of soap, put women il rossetto e facevano la messa in piega, persino i soldati tornavano dal fronte con una loro pallida, estenuata nobiltà. Nella moviola della mia mente, Sarajevo è un signore in giacca e cravatta che esce perfettamente sbarbato da un rudere che è casa sua, è il vecchio Mujo Kulenović che aggiusta il tetto della bottega, è un musulmano che in centro quasi si inchina davanti a un parroco cattolico. Sarajevo è una pentola che non ha mai toccato carne di maiale e che nelle case ortodosse e cattoliche è sempre pronta per gli ospiti di religione islamica; è Kanita Fočaka che a trecento metri dalle linee serbe apre una scuola di buone maniere; è una fila di bambini disciplinati che vanno, in mezzo alla guerra, a imparare il bon ton.
( Paolo Rumiz , da "Maschere per un massacro", Editori Riuniti, Roma 1996)
Il titolo di questo post prende il nome dall'omonimo documentario di Bill Carter e dal singolo dei Passengers (U2 + Brian Eno e qualche ospite), entrambi creati nel periodo dell'assedio di Sarajevo. Ho avuto modo di passare del tempo in questa città e vorrei condividere con voi le mie emozioni, perché tante me ne hanno regalate questa città magica e la sua gente. Il viaggio a Sarajevo è stato casuale, una di quelle strange coincidences that just happen in life, and more often than not surprise us.
This summer I was in Avignon, was the end of my 'Avignon period', after eight long months it was time to return. Amber worked with Senator Les Hivernales for the festivals of Avignon and one day she tells me 'Do you want to come to Sarajevo? There is a collaborative project that deals with Tanzelarija international cooperation and development through contemporary dance and performing arts, we will work with young people, we will make the laboratories' 'Sure'. I state that at that time I was reading a book that I was taking the heart and soul, un libro di Margaret Mazzantini dal titolo 'Venuto al Mondo', ambientanto a Sarajevo, appunto. Mi sembrava incredibile, il giorno che sono arrivata in quella città era come se sapessi già tutto, l'avevo talmente amata nelle parole scritte dalla Mazzantini che quando arrivai laggiù mi sembrava di respirare un'aria familiare. E' una città che ha sofferto, che porta ancora i segni, che forse solo ora si sta rialzando, sta ritrovando la sua armonia. Una città come non se ne vedono in ogni altra parte del mondo, una miscellanea di culti, di etnie.
Qui musulmani, cristiani, ortodossi ed ebrei convivono in un unico spazio urbano. Anche se in realtà la 'perfetta convivenza' is only a gloss varnish cover, as there are still some tensions between ethnic groups, perhaps more pronounced in rural areas distributed around the city.
This intertwining of traditions is also reflected in the architectural structure of the city: the 'old town' is in fact characterized by West-style buildings' Austro-Hungarian Empire, 'a little' Vienna Well, with coffee and in the Bakeries, Orthodox and Catholic cathedrals. Continuing on the pedestrian street to the east there is magically immersed in another reality: case very low and slender minarets. This is probably the most characteristic area of \u200b\u200bthe city: the Bascarsija , The old Ottoman bazaar area. There are small craft shops
local and typical restaurants where you can enjoy tasty dishes like the Bosnian Burek or cevapi. Another place that radiates a particular energy is
Markale here you can buy vegetables and fruits of excellent quality, but what you will mark the soul will be the faces of people who come here to sell their products.
There are numerous places of worship which can be visited including the oldest mosque Gazi Husrev , located at the center of old town, built by a Persian architect in 1531 in Ottoman style. It is said that can sip un po' d'acqua dalla fontana all'esterno delle mura garantisca il ritorno a Sarajevo. Fiore all'occhiello di Sarajevo è sicuramente la Biblioteca, divenuta un simbolo della guerra, ora in ricostruzione. La biblioteca sorge sulle sponde della Miljacka, il fiume che scorre al centro della città, di estrema bellezza con i suoi ponti antichi.
Sarajevo è una città artisticamente molto attiva, lo dimostra la presenza di un teatro importante quale il Teatro Nazionale di Sarajevo (Obala Kulina Bana, 9) e numerose manifestazioni a sfondo artistico come il Sarajevo Film Festival (www.sff.ba).
Quando il sole tramonta la città assume un'aria ancora più magica, e se avete occasione di recarvi sulle colline resterete senza fiato osservando la città dall'alto. Sarajevo è una città molto giovane, e, di conseguenza i divertimenti non mancano; consiglio lo
Sloga Club (Mehmeda Spahe, 20) e il Coloseum Club (Terezije bb).
Piccola Guida Culinaria In questa città ho mangiato cose che voi umani...ehm a parte gli scherzi non temete, il cibo è ottimo!
Pita è una sorta di torta salata di pasta molto sottile e arrotolata che, a seconda del ripieno, prende nomi diversi: Sirnica con ripieno di formaggio, Zeljanica con ripieno di spinaci, Krompiruša with potatoes or the traditional one, the Burek with meat and onions (and my favorite!). They can be purchased in many Pekar (bakeries), but I think it is better to enjoy them in Burekdžnica , shops specializing in the production of burek, which are served with yogurt and kajmak. Another fantastic dish: the cevapi , cigarillos and that of beef or lamb served in a bag of pita bread with onions and cheese. Here the names of the best places ( Cevadžnica) Bascarsija to where you can enjoy cevapi ( cevapcici ) : Banja Luka cevapi, Mrkva and želja (1 and 2, which has a sign with a blue soccer ball in the middle) . Note that these are not traditional places serving alcoholic beverages, so we do not Italians at all costs by insisting that we moretti beer;). Last but not least (in fact) in the square where the fountain stands Sebilj find a candy store where you lose all sense of reality. Here you will find
Loukoumi (also known as Turkish delight) of all sorts, with rose, sesame seeds, dried fruit, figs Mh ... ... one more good the other! Taste them with a good cup of coffee, very similar to turkish for flavor and intensity.
Burek (meat Pita) I tried to remake this recipe ... but I hope to return to Sarajevo as soon as possible to be able to enjoy 'on site'.
For the pastry (phyllo dough):
500g flour 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil warm water
salt For the filling: 2 large white onions
650g minced beef 2 egg
salt and pepper
For the yogurt sauce: 2 cups plain yogurt
chives salt
succo di limone
Impastare gli ingredienti per formare un impasto elastico (la pasta deve essere moooolto fine), formare una palla e lasciarla riposare in un panno umido al riparo dall'aria (copertura a campana)per un'oretta. Dopodiché suddividere la pasta in palline o striscette (almeno 10) e iniziare a tirare la pasta in modo da formare delle sfoglie sottilissime.
Lasciatele riposare un po' e poi iniziate a riempirle da un lato con il ripieno, arrotolate poi la pasta su se stessa andando a formare dei salsicciotti di pasta ripiena. Quando avrete finito andate ad adagiare il biscione in forma di spirale in una pirofila tonda da forno. Irrorate con olio di semi ed infornate a 180° per mezz'oretta. Intanto preparate la salsa allo yogurt simply mixing the ingredients;). When the surface is golden Burek means that it is ready. Serve it with its sauce and a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers. Bon appetit!
This summer I was in Avignon, was the end of my 'Avignon period', after eight long months it was time to return. Amber worked with Senator Les Hivernales for the festivals of Avignon and one day she tells me 'Do you want to come to Sarajevo? There is a collaborative project that deals with Tanzelarija international cooperation and development through contemporary dance and performing arts, we will work with young people, we will make the laboratories' 'Sure'. I state that at that time I was reading a book that I was taking the heart and soul, un libro di Margaret Mazzantini dal titolo 'Venuto al Mondo', ambientanto a Sarajevo, appunto. Mi sembrava incredibile, il giorno che sono arrivata in quella città era come se sapessi già tutto, l'avevo talmente amata nelle parole scritte dalla Mazzantini che quando arrivai laggiù mi sembrava di respirare un'aria familiare. E' una città che ha sofferto, che porta ancora i segni, che forse solo ora si sta rialzando, sta ritrovando la sua armonia. Una città come non se ne vedono in ogni altra parte del mondo, una miscellanea di culti, di etnie.
Qui musulmani, cristiani, ortodossi ed ebrei convivono in un unico spazio urbano. Anche se in realtà la 'perfetta convivenza' is only a gloss varnish cover, as there are still some tensions between ethnic groups, perhaps more pronounced in rural areas distributed around the city.
This intertwining of traditions is also reflected in the architectural structure of the city: the 'old town' is in fact characterized by West-style buildings' Austro-Hungarian Empire, 'a little' Vienna Well, with coffee and in the Bakeries, Orthodox and Catholic cathedrals. Continuing on the pedestrian street to the east there is magically immersed in another reality: case very low and slender minarets. This is probably the most characteristic area of \u200b\u200bthe city: the Bascarsija , The old Ottoman bazaar area. There are small craft shops
local and typical restaurants where you can enjoy tasty dishes like the Bosnian Burek or cevapi. Another place that radiates a particular energy is
Markale here you can buy vegetables and fruits of excellent quality, but what you will mark the soul will be the faces of people who come here to sell their products.
There are numerous places of worship which can be visited including the oldest mosque Gazi Husrev , located at the center of old town, built by a Persian architect in 1531 in Ottoman style. It is said that can sip un po' d'acqua dalla fontana all'esterno delle mura garantisca il ritorno a Sarajevo. Fiore all'occhiello di Sarajevo è sicuramente la Biblioteca, divenuta un simbolo della guerra, ora in ricostruzione. La biblioteca sorge sulle sponde della Miljacka, il fiume che scorre al centro della città, di estrema bellezza con i suoi ponti antichi.
Sarajevo è una città artisticamente molto attiva, lo dimostra la presenza di un teatro importante quale il Teatro Nazionale di Sarajevo (Obala Kulina Bana, 9) e numerose manifestazioni a sfondo artistico come il Sarajevo Film Festival (www.sff.ba).
Quando il sole tramonta la città assume un'aria ancora più magica, e se avete occasione di recarvi sulle colline resterete senza fiato osservando la città dall'alto. Sarajevo è una città molto giovane, e, di conseguenza i divertimenti non mancano; consiglio lo
Sloga Club (Mehmeda Spahe, 20) e il Coloseum Club (Terezije bb).
Piccola Guida Culinaria In questa città ho mangiato cose che voi umani...ehm a parte gli scherzi non temete, il cibo è ottimo!
Pita è una sorta di torta salata di pasta molto sottile e arrotolata che, a seconda del ripieno, prende nomi diversi: Sirnica con ripieno di formaggio, Zeljanica con ripieno di spinaci, Krompiruša with potatoes or the traditional one, the Burek with meat and onions (and my favorite!). They can be purchased in many Pekar (bakeries), but I think it is better to enjoy them in Burekdžnica , shops specializing in the production of burek, which are served with yogurt and kajmak. Another fantastic dish: the cevapi , cigarillos and that of beef or lamb served in a bag of pita bread with onions and cheese. Here the names of the best places ( Cevadžnica) Bascarsija to where you can enjoy cevapi ( cevapcici ) : Banja Luka cevapi, Mrkva and želja (1 and 2, which has a sign with a blue soccer ball in the middle) . Note that these are not traditional places serving alcoholic beverages, so we do not Italians at all costs by insisting that we moretti beer;). Last but not least (in fact) in the square where the fountain stands Sebilj find a candy store where you lose all sense of reality. Here you will find
Loukoumi (also known as Turkish delight) of all sorts, with rose, sesame seeds, dried fruit, figs Mh ... ... one more good the other! Taste them with a good cup of coffee, very similar to turkish for flavor and intensity.
Burek (meat Pita) I tried to remake this recipe ... but I hope to return to Sarajevo as soon as possible to be able to enjoy 'on site'.
For the pastry (phyllo dough):
500g flour 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil warm water
salt For the filling: 2 large white onions
650g minced beef 2 egg
salt and pepper
For the yogurt sauce: 2 cups plain yogurt
chives salt
succo di limone
Impastare gli ingredienti per formare un impasto elastico (la pasta deve essere moooolto fine), formare una palla e lasciarla riposare in un panno umido al riparo dall'aria (copertura a campana)per un'oretta. Dopodiché suddividere la pasta in palline o striscette (almeno 10) e iniziare a tirare la pasta in modo da formare delle sfoglie sottilissime.
Lasciatele riposare un po' e poi iniziate a riempirle da un lato con il ripieno, arrotolate poi la pasta su se stessa andando a formare dei salsicciotti di pasta ripiena. Quando avrete finito andate ad adagiare il biscione in forma di spirale in una pirofila tonda da forno. Irrorate con olio di semi ed infornate a 180° per mezz'oretta. Intanto preparate la salsa allo yogurt simply mixing the ingredients;). When the surface is golden Burek means that it is ready. Serve it with its sauce and a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers. Bon appetit!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Automated Teller Machine Protocols
Mignola or Ammiscate (?)
Sicilians DOC Please forgive me for my act of presumption cooking:) But having a boyfriend Sicilian I could enjoy a variety of dishes typical of this land of sunshine and parched earth,
fell in love madly, especially those swivels delicious bread dough called 'pinkie or ammiscate ' stuffed with sausage and olives, or spinach and olives ... I try to redo my house, without reach the lofty levels of the originals! I am preparing the photos to create a virtual tour of this beautiful region, so soon I'll post it ...
eno Tour - Gourmet course!
Meanwhile I leave you this recipe:)
For the pastry: 500g flour
0 or
200ml water 150 ml milk
yeast (1 packet or cube)
2 teaspoons sugar 1 teaspoon salt 4
tablespoons oil For the filling
: 1 sausage
homegrown black olives 2 red onions (+ oil, vinegar and sugar to make the onion)
parmesan pepper oil
begin by making the dough. I do this manually, but we can also use a 'mixer
. We make a mound
with the flour and pour the water in the center and the warm milk. Add the yeast and sugar and begin kneading. When the mixture begins to thicken add salt and oil and knead for good. When the mass of dough has reached the right consistency to form a dough ball and let's put it to rest in a container in a warm place (I put it near the radiator, covered with a cloth), taking care to drill a cross on the surface to allow the paste rise in comfort;) In the meantime we can cook the onion that will fill the muffins
: let the onions into chunks and let's put to fry in oil, add salt and water and let simmer. When the onions are soft, add a dash of vinegar and a pinch of sugar, finish cooking. When the pasta reaches about twice the initial size (an hour), we can move the drawing, using a rolling pin.
We form a layer of about 5 mm and square. At this point we can start filling
: Oil (coated with the hands!), Onion, chopped sausage, chopped olives, una bella grattugiata di parmigiano e pepe. Iniziamo ora ad arrotolare la sfoglia su se stessa.
Quando avremo completato questa fase inizieremo a tagliare la pasta a fettine di circa tre cm. Ora prendiamo ogni singola fettina e diamole una forma arrotondata, girandole semplicemente tra le mani, come per voler creare una spirale. Mettiamole sulla teglia ricoperta di carta da forno e lasciamo riposare alcuni minuti.
Dopodiché inforniamo a 180° per 20/25 minuti ( dipende un po' dal forno). Io oggi ho esagerato un po' con la cottura :) Bon Appetit !
fell in love madly, especially those swivels delicious bread dough called 'pinkie or ammiscate ' stuffed with sausage and olives, or spinach and olives ... I try to redo my house, without reach the lofty levels of the originals! I am preparing the photos to create a virtual tour of this beautiful region, so soon I'll post it ...
eno Tour - Gourmet course!
Meanwhile I leave you this recipe:)
For the pastry: 500g flour
0 or
200ml water 150 ml milk
yeast (1 packet or cube)
2 teaspoons sugar 1 teaspoon salt 4
tablespoons oil For the filling
: 1 sausage
homegrown black olives 2 red onions (+ oil, vinegar and sugar to make the onion)
parmesan pepper oil
begin by making the dough. I do this manually, but we can also use a 'mixer
. We make a mound
with the flour and pour the water in the center and the warm milk. Add the yeast and sugar and begin kneading. When the mixture begins to thicken add salt and oil and knead for good. When the mass of dough has reached the right consistency to form a dough ball and let's put it to rest in a container in a warm place (I put it near the radiator, covered with a cloth), taking care to drill a cross on the surface to allow the paste rise in comfort;) In the meantime we can cook the onion that will fill the muffins
: let the onions into chunks and let's put to fry in oil, add salt and water and let simmer. When the onions are soft, add a dash of vinegar and a pinch of sugar, finish cooking. When the pasta reaches about twice the initial size (an hour), we can move the drawing, using a rolling pin.
We form a layer of about 5 mm and square. At this point we can start filling
: Oil (coated with the hands!), Onion, chopped sausage, chopped olives, una bella grattugiata di parmigiano e pepe. Iniziamo ora ad arrotolare la sfoglia su se stessa.
Quando avremo completato questa fase inizieremo a tagliare la pasta a fettine di circa tre cm. Ora prendiamo ogni singola fettina e diamole una forma arrotondata, girandole semplicemente tra le mani, come per voler creare una spirale. Mettiamole sulla teglia ricoperta di carta da forno e lasciamo riposare alcuni minuti.
Dopodiché inforniamo a 180° per 20/25 minuti ( dipende un po' dal forno). Io oggi ho esagerato un po' con la cottura :) Bon Appetit !
I swear I'll write soon
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Convert Drivers To Linux Pet
salmon in orange and green pepper
also theater, dance, travel, movies ... but for now I enjoy it a bit 'in the kitchen!
also theater, dance, travel, movies ... but for now I enjoy it a bit 'in the kitchen!
And what about ... except that the intolerance of people have reached highs not seen in the history of public transport Yay ... the saga of the day: 13.30 delivery to take the bus to get comfortable in 3 hours Travel to the beautiful lake and my family.
Arrive at the bus station and of course, is 'just started'. MH. In these cases, even the most fundamentalist of slowradicalecoequosolidaliproambiente would like to have in my hands a nice SUV 3.8 petrol to embark on the highway, but alas ... I decided then to fall back on the underground (for the swearing already spent € 20 and all) to go to the train station ... Where do I get a nice train that is about to leave: a disguised bell'intercity supermegapluscityinterspace the modest price of the 67euri km Evvabbè ... ... since then I have to shoot another piece by bus I say, 'Let's take it !'... who else coming to the beautiful lake and the family the day after Christmas. I go up and find myself in a pit of businessmen / women all taken between handhelds, iPhone, PC, Mac, tails, and sgnac TicTac. I sit and feel the torporedatreno already beginning to take possession of me, I pretend to read The Republic. Mica I fall asleep, the train is not even started! Oh well look the start and then you go drooling on the window! Let's start, peek of circumstance the neighbors to see if the case is engaging in a debate on the theory of relativity, but I am very glad to note that an already blissful sleep and the other reads mouse. Ok, I sleep too!
But no! Two of those who make the economy turn sitting in front of me is put to quarrel with a lady behind, which I hear only the voice.
The problem: the curtain.
Ah yes, them down, on the other.
'We have to work' 'Not I.' 'It's better this way, she certainly would not have much success!'
'what about the controller?!' 'This or that you put the work out alone or I'll get' 'You're very kind' 'Last week I put down a lawyer and an engineer who wanted to punch '... And I already imagined a riot of blood and ties to Tarantino ... but nothing. At the end of 'wool suits in a mouse' and her boyfriend decided to move their behinds exbocconiani elsewhere. Okay
everything to tell you that in the end I made it home ... All of this without saying, however, that I made the whole trip with the salmon steaks in a backpack because my freezer now lives its own life and you are incorporating all the kitchen ... so I had to bring home the cost of yesterday ... evvabbè. So I suggest that the arrival and
mami to cook salmon this blessed poor are fed up!
We decide to move towards' orange and seeds of green pepper '.
very simple recipe, a little 'detail.
Ingredients: salmon steaks
Butter / Flour
Juice of one lemon and one orange (+ skin)
pepper green bean / mint leaves / Marjoram
white wine salt / pepper
Place the slices salmon marinated in olive oil, lemon juice and orange juice and salt. Let me take
But no! Two of those who make the economy turn sitting in front of me is put to quarrel with a lady behind, which I hear only the voice.
The problem: the curtain.
Ah yes, them down, on the other.
'We have to work' 'Not I.' 'It's better this way, she certainly would not have much success!'
'what about the controller?!' 'This or that you put the work out alone or I'll get' 'You're very kind' 'Last week I put down a lawyer and an engineer who wanted to punch '... And I already imagined a riot of blood and ties to Tarantino ... but nothing. At the end of 'wool suits in a mouse' and her boyfriend decided to move their behinds exbocconiani elsewhere. Okay
everything to tell you that in the end I made it home ... All of this without saying, however, that I made the whole trip with the salmon steaks in a backpack because my freezer now lives its own life and you are incorporating all the kitchen ... so I had to bring home the cost of yesterday ... evvabbè. So I suggest that the arrival and
mami to cook salmon this blessed poor are fed up!
We decide to move towards' orange and seeds of green pepper '.
very simple recipe, a little 'detail.
Ingredients: salmon steaks
Butter / Flour
Juice of one lemon and one orange (+ skin)
pepper green bean / mint leaves / Marjoram
white wine salt / pepper
Place the slices salmon marinated in olive oil, lemon juice and orange juice and salt. Let me take
flavor for half an hour or an hour. Then drained salmon, flour it well pretty well and put a brown in a skillet with butter. Meanwhile add the green pepper marinade (five grains crushed enough), a couple of mint leaves, marjoram and grated rind of 1 / 2 lemon and 1 / 2 arancia.
Quando inizia a rosolarsi aggiungete del vino bianco e lasciate sfumare. Dopodiche aggiungete la marinata e lasciate addensare. Cuocete fino a cottura desiderata, ma non troppo!
Ottimo con un contorno di insalata belga cotta e condita con olio e parmigiano.
Veloce e gustoso.
Bon Appetit!
Quando inizia a rosolarsi aggiungete del vino bianco e lasciate sfumare. Dopodiche aggiungete la marinata e lasciate addensare. Cuocete fino a cottura desiderata, ma non troppo!
Ottimo con un contorno di insalata belga cotta e condita con olio e parmigiano.
Veloce e gustoso.
Bon Appetit!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Red Blood Splotches On Skin
Turkey rolls stuffed with mustard sauce and chocolate hazelnut
Ebbene sì...della serie 'Noi delle calorie ce ne freghiamo!'... Ma ne bastano un paio per sentirsi sazi :)
Direi che è una ricetta golosa, giusta per le fredde sere d'inverno...Sarebbe bello gustare queste prelibatezze seduti in fronte alle scricchiolanti fiamme di un bel camino, but you can also settle for an electric heating!
Noting that at home I still had the dark chocolate Sacher I used to come up with a recipe that I had read some time ago and talked about 'chocolate bunny' ... Now, not being a lover of rabbit I decided to revisit the recipe using turkey meat, specifically the breast roll to roll that I use as a filling of chopped mustard Cremona (to understand the whole mixed fruit). I served with light rice pudding and pea (maybe white is better).
Do not worry if you see the recipe and garlic mixed with chocolate, the result is really good!
Even my boyfriend, which is rather critical and faithful to the usual combinations, has highly appreciated:)
Ingredients (8 rolls):
350g turkey breast sliced \u200b\u200bonion
30g dark chocolate chopped hazelnuts
salt pepper red wine
a piece of nut butter
(I'm going with the dosage a little 'eye)
For the flan:
rice (one glass)
butter cream peas
Put the slices of turkey to marinate in a pot containing red wine, salt, pepper, bay leaf, garlic and cinnamon and let's leave them there to add flavor for at least an hour.
When marinade is ready we can begin to give shape to our rolls and prepare tasty sughino (Please do not throw the marinade! Seviri later ...)
The rolls do not devono essere troppo grossi, per cui tagliamo le fette di tacchino in rettangoli di circa 8cmx4cm (che precisione!) e farciamole con della semplice mostarda tagliata a pezzetti piccoli, arrotoliamo e fermiamo con degli stecchini.
Completata questa fase infariniamo e mettiamo a rosolare in olio ben caldo in una casseruola.
Lasciamo rosolare finché gli involtini risulteranno belli dorati. Mettiamo gli involtini in un piatto e lasciamoli da parte un attimo. Nella stessa casseruola fate soffriggere un trito di cipolla e carota con dell'olio e un pezzetto di burro, poi aggiungete un bicchier d'acqua e un dado.
Lasciate stufare for about ten minutes, then add the liquid from the marinade (but not the garlic that keep apart to make the chocolate sauce). At this point the rolls can add a splash of red wine and let it soften a bit. Meanwhile fry the garlic (3 is enough) in a saucepan with oil, when they start to brown remove from heat and crush them their hot oil adding the chocolate into small pieces and a bit 'of sughino mustard (there goccino would also like a brandy ...). Mix well and pour into the saucepan of rolls. Let cook for a few minutes stirring the rolls.
Apart from you while the pies prepared by cooking rice rice a little water so the grains absorb all the water. When cooked add a bit of butter, stir. Then cream, Parmesan cheese and peas cooked if you want. At the end must have a rather creamy texture. Put it in the molds and pressatelo slightly. Et voila ... ready to Serve. Bon Appetit!
Direi che è una ricetta golosa, giusta per le fredde sere d'inverno...Sarebbe bello gustare queste prelibatezze seduti in fronte alle scricchiolanti fiamme di un bel camino, but you can also settle for an electric heating!
Noting that at home I still had the dark chocolate Sacher I used to come up with a recipe that I had read some time ago and talked about 'chocolate bunny' ... Now, not being a lover of rabbit I decided to revisit the recipe using turkey meat, specifically the breast roll to roll that I use as a filling of chopped mustard Cremona (to understand the whole mixed fruit). I served with light rice pudding and pea (maybe white is better).
Do not worry if you see the recipe and garlic mixed with chocolate, the result is really good!
Even my boyfriend, which is rather critical and faithful to the usual combinations, has highly appreciated:)
Ingredients (8 rolls):
350g turkey breast sliced \u200b\u200bonion
30g dark chocolate chopped hazelnuts
salt pepper red wine
a piece of nut butter
(I'm going with the dosage a little 'eye)
For the flan:
rice (one glass)
butter cream peas
Put the slices of turkey to marinate in a pot containing red wine, salt, pepper, bay leaf, garlic and cinnamon and let's leave them there to add flavor for at least an hour.
When marinade is ready we can begin to give shape to our rolls and prepare tasty sughino (Please do not throw the marinade! Seviri later ...)
The rolls do not devono essere troppo grossi, per cui tagliamo le fette di tacchino in rettangoli di circa 8cmx4cm (che precisione!) e farciamole con della semplice mostarda tagliata a pezzetti piccoli, arrotoliamo e fermiamo con degli stecchini.
Completata questa fase infariniamo e mettiamo a rosolare in olio ben caldo in una casseruola.
Lasciamo rosolare finché gli involtini risulteranno belli dorati. Mettiamo gli involtini in un piatto e lasciamoli da parte un attimo. Nella stessa casseruola fate soffriggere un trito di cipolla e carota con dell'olio e un pezzetto di burro, poi aggiungete un bicchier d'acqua e un dado.
Lasciate stufare for about ten minutes, then add the liquid from the marinade (but not the garlic that keep apart to make the chocolate sauce). At this point the rolls can add a splash of red wine and let it soften a bit. Meanwhile fry the garlic (3 is enough) in a saucepan with oil, when they start to brown remove from heat and crush them their hot oil adding the chocolate into small pieces and a bit 'of sughino mustard (there goccino would also like a brandy ...). Mix well and pour into the saucepan of rolls. Let cook for a few minutes stirring the rolls.
Apart from you while the pies prepared by cooking rice rice a little water so the grains absorb all the water. When cooked add a bit of butter, stir. Then cream, Parmesan cheese and peas cooked if you want. At the end must have a rather creamy texture. Put it in the molds and pressatelo slightly. Et voila ... ready to Serve. Bon Appetit!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Cheat Cottage For Sale Ontario
Saturday, although I sderenata a mix of 10 days of testing with Mademoiselle Ambra Senatore (for the show on 27 November at the Teatro Fondamenta Nuove in Venice, to which you are invited everyone of course!) and a 'duegiorni' spree of joy and jubilation for the degree of Mari, I ventured into the creation of a libidinous Sacher Torte.
Saturday, although I sderenata a mix of 10 days of testing with Mademoiselle Ambra Senatore (for the show on 27 November at the Teatro Fondamenta Nuove in Venice, to which you are invited everyone of course!) and a 'duegiorni' spree of joy and jubilation for the degree of Mari, I ventured into the creation of a libidinous Sacher Torte.
I took the pseudo-original recipe (the real one does not know anyone, is enshrined at the Hotel Sacher) and I made some small changes ... to not do the parasite on the shoulders of Herr Sacher and give a personal touch.
impossible not to know, but if you have any doubt this is a delicacy made of two layers of chocolate cake (called 'pasta' for its gorgeous texture like a sponge, but richer and wet) between which spread of the delicate apricot jelly, all covered with the smooth chocolate icing. I like to serve it with a little 'of whipped cream and a sprinkling of fragrant cinnamon. Excellent with a strong coffee or a cup of aromatic tea.
Here is the recipe. The mixture
150g sugar 100g flour + 50g starch
180g dark chocolate 150g butter 6 eggs
a packet of yeast
a teaspoon of vanilla extract a pinch of salt
The wet:
three tablespoons of sugar
zest of half a lemon
two drops of rum flavoring
a teaspoon of vanilla extract Filling:
apricot jelly
Chocolate Glaze:
100g sugar 120 g dark chocolate
the butter with half sugar in order to obtain a cream melt and in the meantime the chocolate in a bain marie. When the butter and sugar are well blended, add 6 egg yolks (reserving whites) and continue stirring up the chocolate. Apart from you whip the egg whites with remaining sugar, then add the mixture to the dough. Stir from bottom to top floor, calmly, without haste ... Every gesture is a dance in the kitchen;)
Then you obtain a fairly liquid, ready to receive the sifted flour and starch. Missing only a pinch of salt, vanilla and a packet of yeast (or half). Mix everything well pretty well for smooth and creamy with no lumps, and when you think of the right consistency put it in a buttered cake tin (26cm) and Zac! Bake at 180 degrees for an hour.
In the meantime you can prepare the syrup and the icing ... Meanwhile, enjoy the scent that starts to expand at home ... hmmm! For the wet
put all the ingredients in a saucepan and add a bit 'of water (a cup) and cook until boiling, then you see if you want a more liquid or thicker ...
For the frosting, take another pan and put sugar with half a glass of water (or a little 'more), and set on fire. Mix up to the boil and simmer 5 minutes. Then remove from heat and add the chocolate (in small pieces or melted in a double boiler, melt I) and continue to stir a little more 'on fire sino a che la glassa non avrà raggiunto la tipica consistenza vellutata.
A questo punto se la torta ha terminato la cottura potete estrarla dal forno e lasciarla raffreddare un po' prima di tagliarla in due nel senso della lunghezza. Dividete le parti e bagnatele entrambe con la nostra profumata bagna. Spalmate poi uno strato non troppo abbondante di gelatina di albicocche sulla parte inferiore della torta e ricoprite con l'altro strato.
Ora spalmate un sottile strato di gelatina anche sulla parte esterna della torta, prima di ricoprirla con la glassa...E, ma sì...Fatelo con le mani! Come se steste girando la scena di Ghost del vaso di creta! Una soddisfazione!
Il capolavoro è quasi terminato...Versate la glassa sulla torta e spalmatela e livellatela aiutandovi con una spatola. Dopo pochi minuti inizierà ad indurirsi e a diventare lucida...Bellissima!
Lasciate riposare un po' la vostra opera..almeno un'oretta...e poi GNAM!
Bon Appetit
Here is the recipe. The mixture
150g sugar 100g flour + 50g starch
180g dark chocolate 150g butter 6 eggs
a packet of yeast
a teaspoon of vanilla extract a pinch of salt
The wet:
three tablespoons of sugar
zest of half a lemon
two drops of rum flavoring
a teaspoon of vanilla extract Filling:
apricot jelly
Chocolate Glaze:
100g sugar 120 g dark chocolate
the butter with half sugar in order to obtain a cream melt and in the meantime the chocolate in a bain marie. When the butter and sugar are well blended, add 6 egg yolks (reserving whites) and continue stirring up the chocolate. Apart from you whip the egg whites with remaining sugar, then add the mixture to the dough. Stir from bottom to top floor, calmly, without haste ... Every gesture is a dance in the kitchen;)
Then you obtain a fairly liquid, ready to receive the sifted flour and starch. Missing only a pinch of salt, vanilla and a packet of yeast (or half). Mix everything well pretty well for smooth and creamy with no lumps, and when you think of the right consistency put it in a buttered cake tin (26cm) and Zac! Bake at 180 degrees for an hour.
In the meantime you can prepare the syrup and the icing ... Meanwhile, enjoy the scent that starts to expand at home ... hmmm! For the wet
put all the ingredients in a saucepan and add a bit 'of water (a cup) and cook until boiling, then you see if you want a more liquid or thicker ...
For the frosting, take another pan and put sugar with half a glass of water (or a little 'more), and set on fire. Mix up to the boil and simmer 5 minutes. Then remove from heat and add the chocolate (in small pieces or melted in a double boiler, melt I) and continue to stir a little more 'on fire sino a che la glassa non avrà raggiunto la tipica consistenza vellutata.
A questo punto se la torta ha terminato la cottura potete estrarla dal forno e lasciarla raffreddare un po' prima di tagliarla in due nel senso della lunghezza. Dividete le parti e bagnatele entrambe con la nostra profumata bagna. Spalmate poi uno strato non troppo abbondante di gelatina di albicocche sulla parte inferiore della torta e ricoprite con l'altro strato.
Ora spalmate un sottile strato di gelatina anche sulla parte esterna della torta, prima di ricoprirla con la glassa...E, ma sì...Fatelo con le mani! Come se steste girando la scena di Ghost del vaso di creta! Una soddisfazione!
Il capolavoro è quasi terminato...Versate la glassa sulla torta e spalmatela e livellatela aiutandovi con una spatola. Dopo pochi minuti inizierà ad indurirsi e a diventare lucida...Bellissima!
Lasciate riposare un po' la vostra opera..almeno un'oretta...e poi GNAM!
Bon Appetit
Friday, November 6, 2009
Scottish Rugby Posters
E 220 sulfur dioxide, the maximum acceptable daily dose x man and 0.7ml x kg body weight. Or 50 mg per day for a person weighing 70 kg.
E 221 sodium sulfite
acid sodium sulphite and 222
E 223 sodium disulphite
E 224 potassium disulphite
E 226 Calcium sulphite
E 227 Calcium hydrogen sulphite
potassium hydrogen sulfite E 228
effects if you exceed the heap:
- irritates the mucous membrane and respiratory
- It poisons the blood
- inhibits vitamin B
- loss of 'sense of smell and taste
- acute pharyngitis
- acidity in the urine
- fatigue and headache
- nervous disorders
can be found in: nuts, canned fish and pates, pickles, jams, beverages fruit, wine, vinegar, dried mushrooms.
Adjusting Plastic Frames
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