Friday, October 29, 2010

Help Finding The Perfect Computer

Roba che scotta!

Hello everyone!
very short post today to raise an issue that affects all workers in the entertainment, especially the freelance dancers, and that is the problem of 'unpaid work'.
This scourge, which is now rampant throughout the Italian territory, and that affects not only small groups and the production of series b, but also well-known names and big productions, is now in a permanent disfiguring and uncontrollable world of Italian culture. Oh yes, because unpaid work also means lower quality of performance, and, consequently, lower quality of work.
As far as I'm concerned, the cause of the problem traveling on a parallel track: on the one hand legislation inadequate (too many, too many cuts and inequitable distribution of funds), lack of controls on the distribution of funds, lack of a union of category can REALLY defend workers, lack of dissemination of knowledge that is the culture of contemporary dance in Italy.
other hand, the workers themselves who are unable to refuse offers of unpaid work, paid or inadequately. This creates a supply proliferate to provide for free, perhaps hidden behind the title of 'training'. Another problem the lack of a true 'register' of professionals, so anyone can be so classified, with serious consequences on the quality (maybe because often professionals do not even have to select where they know that there is no money for production, but non-professionals, yes, only for the glory, and choreographers and producers as they are, choose the lesser evil and make the production too, with poor results in terms of quality).
The good thing is that the issue is also raised by industry associations and individual artists in some way, like me, are trying to make their voices heard.
Because culture is important, e per fare buona cultura serve che il lavoro di chi la fa venga rispettato.

Vi lascio dei link interessanti. Passateparola!


Per chi di voi non l'avesse ancora vista:

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Law Enforcement Flashlights

Zuppa cremosa di ceci, zucca e funghi porcini

Succede anche a voi che appena arriva un pochettino di freddo you find yourself around the house with wool socks, and plaid Tutone always ready on the couch??
Behold, I am already at this awful stage ' scacciauomini ', and then try to hold me close my taking him by the throat ...
now know what my philosophy in terms of food, seasonal products and so on!
For today's recipe I chose chickpeas, pumpkin and mushrooms ... Excellent, really.

500g of dried chickpeas (soak for at least 12 hours before)

250g pumpkin 50g dried porcini mushrooms (if fresh 250g)

1 onion 1 clove garlic cream

nut oil 1 fresh rosemary

pepper grated pecorino cheese

In a frying pan, sauté onion and garlic to pan with the pumpkin pieces in oil extra virgin olive oil.
Cook the vegetables for a few minutes and then transfer them in a pan with high sides and add the drained chickpeas (already put to soak for at least 12 hours).
Add water to cover about three fingers and put the vegetables on the stove to boil. Add
nut, pepper, and cook with lid for about an hour.
After this time, remove from pan a ladle plenty of vegetables e tenete da parte. Nel frattempo mettete in ammollo i funghi e con il mixer passate le verdure rimaste nella casseruola fino ad ottenere una crema. A questo punto rimettete i cereali che avevate tolto precedentemente nella pentola e aggiungete i funghi e il rosmarino, lasciando sul fuoco per ancora una ventina di minuti. A questo punto spegnete il fuoco e aggiungete la panna e mescolate bene in modo da amalgamare bene il tutto.
Servite in ciotole o fondine calde aggiungendo una goccia di olio a crudo, qualche fogliolina di rosmarino fresco e una spruzzata di pecorino.
Buon appetito!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Best Fuel Economy Trucks

The 5 stages


Alberto Ponticelli, Officina Infernale , Squaz , Akab , Angri Titian, Ausonia.
Spring 2011, Edizioni BD.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Free Pool Table Blueprint

Siamo ciò che mangiamo...

La qualità del cibo. Cosa significa food 'quality'? What does 'healthy eating'?
Until a few years ago might have been limited to exclude from the diet, too much sugar, fats, fried foods, carbonated beverages. Now the problem is another: even those who think they eat properly , really does not have this one hundred percent certainty, in the sense that, unfortunately, little is known about how the food arrives on the banks of the great distribution and then on our tables .
Why I decided to write this post?
On days when the show is taking place Internazionale del Gusto (Torino, 21/25 October 2010) is racked my brains in my head thoughts that revolve around the question 'quality of life ', primarily food. Some of the encounters that have made me reflect on the subject, beyond the fact that part of my family has been cultivating the land (for private use, of course, and this allows me to have a direct comparison between food 'organic' and food bought at the super ) have meant that taking a deep interest in me on the issue.
But we say that the main push came to write this article after seeing a documentary American - Food, Inc . of 2008 - precisely on the intended food such as meat and vegetables from large distribution .
Here we talk about farming, livestock filled with antibiotics and fed with corn (in the case of cattle as well as being contrary to nature also leads to harmful consequences for the animal and the man who eats the meat), meat treated with ammonia to be disinfected , soy genetically modified and obviously exploitation of labor.
course, in Italy there is definitely a different situation, the controls are larger, the area is limited so also the size of herds and crops change. But we can be sure of the quality of the food we eat every day?
I mean, we are sure that the tomatoes in December have not been treated with substances that in some way can be harmful to the body?
And then, given the condition as it relates to our planet, you could also reserve a special attention to everything that goes around the food business.
I mean, it's all a matter of 'running economy', but this way we are ruining: bad food, injurious to health; pollution caused by the use of vehicles and factories. How to say 'we hurt, but we have more money'. It 's a reasoning a bit' as fools, do not you think?
It 's also true that the issue is not so simple and it can not be exhausted in a few lines, spitting sentenzine a bit' by radical chic. I would simply
raise an issue, create a question that may give rise to a confrontation with you!
What do you think of this?
What do you say the word short chain, organic, biodynamic, eco-sustainable km zero?

Meanwhile I leave you the link of documentary I mentioned. E '' hard stuff ', so stay tuned.
For those wishing to investigate the matter bio here's another interesting site
To people like me here is a super site! (You can find everything, including where to buy slow)

Hoping to receiving comments and ideas to continue the discussion.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

North Face Backpack Outlet

bothered even closed the blog ... I had thought of leaving here because there were things I liked to remain available to those who had wanted to read.
But no, same fucking shit.

Update - December 11, 2010
As it turns me today so I put back on line after the strictly musical.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Is Fake


opera esposta nell'esposizione Light Vision a Seveso - neon bianco in teca

La mostra a cura di Andrea Borgonovo, Alberto Pala e Pericoli Anna presenta quattro artisti contemporanei Andrea Borgonovo, Samuele Calabrò, Marco Testini, Mounty R.P. Zentara.

Gli artisti, uniti dalla volontà di analisi della luce, propongono visioni e lavorazioni differenti, permettendo un percorso multiforme, which, thanks to a direct confrontation with the different personalities of the analysis highlights a contemporary art against the light and its nuances.

Andrea Borgonovo with his works on three research dialogue and object, form and light, a light passing through the area, in particular the photographic negatives made by him, included in its installations, such as memory arrays, memory re-lived through the light.

Samuele Calabrò shifts its attention on the relationship between light and video or television image, the artist will present infatti un’opera video, dove la luce diventa fondante e protagonista.

Un approccio differente viene invece offerto attraverso le installazioni luminose dell’artista viennese Mounty R.P. Zentara, che instaura un rapporto diverso con la luce, realizzando architetture di luce che si rapportano con lo spazio, creando delle alterazioni visive attraverso l’utilizzo di neon coloranti, mettendo lo spettatore davanti ad una trasformazione espressiva dello spazio che lo circonda.

Infine l’opera proposta da Marco Testini vuole essere un momento di confronto e relazione con lo spettatore attraverso un progetto di vendita e documentazione on-line, of his "Kiss", by means of a web page specially created by the .

Monday, October 4, 2010

Face Break Out Acne Golden Spoon Yogurt

Defeticizzazione contemporary art

To download the artwork go to the blog

To lose a bit of your time being ascertained on the Internet to chat box


Marco Testini



Sunday, October 3, 2010

How To Burn Dual Layer Dvd 2009

Giardini di Miro - More More More Gardens + Garden

self-cover-compilation "Other Gardens" of Giardini di Miro had already spoken when it was made available for streaming in May, is a brief resume of the argument to show that Bandcamp is available on digital download of the 17 pieces of that first collection , along with six pieces of Part Other Other Gardens.
Both are available at no cost and with the usual high quality Bandcamp, one of my favorite sites for sharing "legal" music. It seems almost unnecessary
recommend the download ... :)