very short post today to raise an issue that affects all workers in the entertainment, especially the freelance dancers, and that is the problem of 'unpaid work'.
This scourge, which is now rampant throughout the Italian territory, and that affects not only small groups and the production of series b, but also well-known names and big productions, is now in a permanent disfiguring and uncontrollable world of Italian culture. Oh yes, because unpaid work also means lower quality of performance, and, consequently, lower quality of work.
As far as I'm concerned, the cause of the problem traveling on a parallel track: on the one hand legislation inadequate (too many, too many cuts and inequitable distribution of funds), lack of controls on the distribution of funds, lack of a union of category can REALLY defend workers, lack of dissemination of knowledge that is the culture of contemporary dance in Italy.
other hand, the workers themselves who are unable to refuse offers of unpaid work, paid or inadequately. This creates a supply proliferate to provide for free, perhaps hidden behind the title of 'training'. Another problem the lack of a true 'register' of professionals, so anyone can be so classified, with serious consequences on the quality (maybe because often professionals do not even have to select where they know that there is no money for production, but non-professionals, yes, only for the glory, and choreographers and producers as they are, choose the lesser evil and make the production too, with poor results in terms of quality).
The good thing is that the issue is also raised by industry associations and individual artists in some way, like me, are trying to make their voices heard.
Because culture is important, e per fare buona cultura serve che il lavoro di chi la fa venga rispettato.
Vi lascio dei link interessanti. Passateparola!
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