Back from a long stay in Venice, I plunged back into everyday reality for a few days before leaving again ...!
the last three weeks has been my casacittà Venice, here I participated in a project called Coreographic Collision, Training course choreography created by the
Danzavenezia in collaboration with La Biennale di Venezia in the seventh. International Festival of Contemporary Dance under the artistic direction of Ismael Ivo. E 'was a profound experience, during which I could further my research, the following workshops, watching shows, participating in discussions and conferences and being in contact with numerous international artists.
This year's Biennale Dance ospitato artisti provenienti da Cananda, Australia, Nuova Zelanda, USA e Italia.
Dal 26 Maggio al 12 Giugno sui palcoscenici dell'Arsenale, della Fenice, del Malibran e del Toniolo si sono susseguiti spettacoli eterogenei e di altissima qualità.
Il Festival si è aperto con le performances di artisti provenineti dal Québec: una miscellanea di stili, un universo ibrido e sfrenato che si lascia ispirare e contaminare da tutto ciò che è movimento, dalla danza tradizionale giapponese, al classico; dal moderno, all'hip-hop.
Tra i numerosi artisti e le compagnie provenienti da questa regione dell'estremo nord ricordiamo
Daniel Leveillé,
Compagnie Marie Chouinard
e Kidd Pivot Frankfurt
RM. He then opened the show with parentheses Australia really Diers each other, from the intimacy of only
Ros Warby, of the spectacular ensemble of Sydney Dance Company, dance, film Splintergroup
and technological experiments of Chunky Move, to the ecstatic beauty merged with the political commitment of MAU. In closing, the Festival has presented four world premieres:
me in Me
Adriana Borriello; Cut-Outs and Trees of Italy
Swedish Cristina Caprioli; Tristes Tropiques, visionary and sublime spectacle of Virgil and Sieni Another Evening: Venice
American Bill T. Jones. The Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement was awarded this year to
William Forsythe, leading figures in the international dance scene that has changed the view of the relationship between contemporary dance and academic tradition, the director for twenty years Frankfurt Ballet, now directed The Forsythe Company. the last day, the festival has hosted in the event of the Unexpected Marathon
many young companies from around the world. The festival ended with the
& Go Dance Party to celebrate dance as a time for sharing, an evening made the crossing of the arts with performative interventions in the care of choreographers Coreographic Collision directed by Ismael Ivo. Biennale's website:
The Blog Channel Biennale with the criticism of the performances by the critical group of Choreographic Collision: