Monday, June 28, 2010

How To Make Dj Skirts


Group Exhibition Pre-Visions Museum St. Scholastica - Bari 2010
Pre-Visions Exhibition St. Scholastica Museum - Bari 2010

Friday, June 18, 2010

Why Does Alabama Have #12 In The Helmet


I decide to talk about an art exhibition. I decide that Pig - Island, the first major exhibition in Italy by American artist Paul McCarthy , reminds me of the scene of Rodrigo Garcia . Maybe it's just because of ketchup.
decide that now is a good day to go Brera to breathe a little 'art. I decide it's sunny and the air is brisk . Maybe it's just that I no longer want to study.

Arrival at the Palazzo Citterio and the enormous big face of a Bush silicone pink pig greets me as I leave he enjoys sodomizing a pig. I look a bit ', turn around at work. I decide that I
Then something distracts me. There, in the corner, almost as if you were just lying to take a nap, or maybe because you do not hear very well, or perhaps because it is a bit 'dead body here McCarthy. A poor camp, and this big man with the body of the stomach by drinking beer and flannel shirt that is very American. The member to view. Maybe it died because it anymore to pay so much pornography in the world. He who from the pop-pornography drew inspiration for his art provocative. But it is only a puppet. McCarthy is still alive and kicking.

I move between the rooms a bit 'confused by screams coming from the video projected on the walls of the building. I realize that the strength of these videos are the sounds, images despite proposing a whole repertoire of fluids due staffing of grotesque faces, languages, boobs and beer. Those screams you drill the brain, almost as if by loosening registration to attach themselves to your brain, almost as if the image was the golden color and sound that is below the rust when you scratch a bit '. Meeting
a cube filled with ketchup and body of a woman sitting on a table. He wears a mask. All hardback. All manga. All fast.

Arrive in room Pig - Island. It 's a huge laboratory. The back room 's embalmer.
They tell me that I can not walk on the carpet. Why not? How do I see what's in the recesses of all that brothel? I feel like a voyeur. I am a voyeur. They are there to try to spy deep within the artist, in his private, between abortions and sculpture trinkets. I would like to enter that space, I would violate it. I want to play too. I feel that within that space is like when you do the little hut with open umbrellas. E 'heat, until adulthood.

before exiting to wait for me there is a giant inflatable bottle of ketchup .
I'm out.
decide that the reality is stronger than provocation of McCarthy.
His parody of the company is less strong than it is pornography of the company.
It 's true, the symbols and icons within which reflects the world today are false and mean, but I think it is now a fact. The complaint is not enough, the action is.
But perhaps the complaint has already action.
question mark.

Pig Island - The Island of Pigs
of Paul McCarthy Fondazione Nicola Trussardi
Palazzo Citterio Via Brera , 14 - Milan
From May 20 to July 4
Free Entry / Pig_Island.html

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Illegal Tender Movie Credits

Il teatro è inutile?

It is no secret that the cultural situation and Art in Italy is in poor condition (see the numerous cuts to the foundations lyrical-symphonic, etc.etc.) as certainly are other areas, but insists that culture is a useful tool for identity construction of a population, I think this is necessary to fight so that is not rendered impossible the access to culture, art, theater.

culture [...] is organization, discipline of the inner self, is taking possession of own personality, and achievement of higher consciousness, for which we can understand its value history, its role in life, their rights, their duties. "
(A. Gramsci)

L '
ETI is (was) the only public institution in Italy that promotes culture and the performing arts. This body was abolished by Decree Law No. 78, May 31, 2010.
What can I say?
rifletteste I just wish the issue. reflect on the fact that now make culture in Italy is made possible only by institutions and foundations of a private nature . And I say this with regret, because I was politically linked
left the memory of a now non-existent, because according to my logic should be the state to recognize the culture a common good and to work well for its production and distribution so that the masses can enjoy it freely. But alas
, the utopia of a free culture is far away, and at this point I can only bow down in front of those private institutions that decide to invest their money in projects cultural nature, because the state if they not interested. Obviously at our expense, but we Italians are struggling to understand certain things.
culture makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drag, easy to govern, but impossible to be reduced to slavery.
( Henry Brougham )
Però io credo che sia giunta l'ora di fare sentire la propria voce.

Perché non possiamo vivere di sola

mariadefilippi .

Per chi fosse interessato a sostenere questa campagna, ecco il link per firmare la petizione a sostegno dell'
ETI :,com_petitions/Itemid,205/id,218/view,petition

Gallstone Or Costochondritis

Plumcake Leggero ai Profumi d'Estate

Una ricetta veloce per un plumcake leggero, ma nutriente, ottimo per cominciare la giornata, o per
accompagnare il tè...Perfetto per tutti coloro che, come me, amano dormire fino all'ultimo e rubano tempo alla colazione, infatti questo tortino si conserva perfettamente per alcuni giorni (magari tenendolo in un sacchettino per alimenti, al fresco).

Ingredienti: 150g Farina 00
Frumina 100g zucchero (se preferite più dolce aggiungete zucchero)
1 bustina di lievito
1 vasetto di yogurt intero alla pesca
3 uova
due cucchiai di margarina con burro
1 pizzico di sale
pugnetto di uvetta sultanina 1 pesca noce
nocciole tritate
un goccino di liquore dolce (io ho usato
Cointreau ), in alternativa succo di limone.
Amalgamate bene tutti gli ingredienti (tranne la pesca che taglierete a fettine e lascerete un attimo da parte), partendo dal setacciare le due farine e mescolando le uova con lo zucchero. Unite i due composti e aggiungete poi il burro, il lievito, lo
yougurt e il pizzico di sale. A questo punto potete aggiungere la granella di nocciole (meglio se la fate voi, tritando delle nocciole intere, mantiene meglio l'aroma della nocciola!In alternativa sono ottimi anche gli amaretti!), l'uvetta sultanina che avrete
precedentemente fatto rinvenire in acqua tiepida, e una spruzzata di liquore. Mescolate bene fino ad ottenere un mixture quite dense and elastic, make sure that there are no lumps.
Grease and flour a mold for a piece of plum cake and pour mixture on the bottom, then place the fish slices and cover with the remaining dough.
Bake at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes, or until the surface will not be beautiful golden (I always make the proof of the stick).
best served
accompanied by a puree of fresh fruit and macaroons.
Voila! Bon appetit!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wm Rogers And Sons China

Capturing Emotions

Hello everyone!
Back from a long stay in Venice, I plunged back into everyday reality for a few days before leaving again ...!
the last three weeks has been my casacittà Venice, here I participated in a project called Coreographic Collision, Training course choreography created by the
Danzavenezia in collaboration with La Biennale di Venezia in the seventh. International Festival of Contemporary Dance under the artistic direction of Ismael Ivo. E 'was a profound experience, during which I could further my research, the following workshops, watching shows, participating in discussions and conferences and being in contact with numerous international artists.

This year's Biennale Dance ospitato artisti provenienti da Cananda, Australia, Nuova Zelanda, USA e Italia.
Dal 26 Maggio al 12 Giugno sui palcoscenici dell'Arsenale, della Fenice, del Malibran e del Toniolo si sono susseguiti spettacoli eterogenei e di altissima qualità.

Il Festival si è aperto con le performances di artisti provenineti dal Québec: una miscellanea di stili, un universo ibrido e sfrenato che si lascia ispirare e contaminare da tutto ciò che è movimento, dalla danza tradizionale giapponese, al classico; dal moderno, all'hip-hop.
Tra i numerosi artisti e le compagnie provenienti da questa regione dell'estremo nord ricordiamo
Daniel Leveillé, Compagnie Marie Chouinard e Kidd Pivot Frankfurt RM.
He then opened the show with parentheses Australia really Diers each other, from the intimacy of only
Ros Warby, of the spectacular ensemble of Sydney Dance Company, dance, film Splintergroup and technological experiments of Chunky Move, to the ecstatic beauty merged with the political commitment of MAU.
In closing, the Festival has presented four world premieres:
me in Me Adriana Borriello; Cut-Outs and Trees of Italy Swedish Cristina Caprioli; Tristes Tropiques, visionary and sublime spectacle of Virgil and Sieni Another Evening: Venice American Bill T. Jones.
The Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement was awarded this year to
William Forsythe, leading figures in the international dance scene that has changed the view of the relationship between contemporary dance and academic tradition, the director for twenty years Frankfurt Ballet, now directed The Forsythe Company.
the last day, the festival has hosted in the event of the Unexpected Marathon
many young companies from around the world. The festival ended with the
GO & Go Dance Party to celebrate dance as a time for sharing, an evening made the crossing of the arts with performative interventions in the care of choreographers Coreographic Collision directed by Ismael Ivo.

Biennale's website:

The Blog Channel Biennale with the criticism of the performances by the critical group of Choreographic Collision: