Thursday, March 25, 2010

Semi Formal Centerpieces

Sur Le Pont D'Avignon

The on y danse the on y danse ...
These are the words of the famous nursery rhyme we all sang as kids.
The bridge in question is the
Pont St . Bénéze t, the symbol of the citadel fortified in the fourteenth century by Clement V was chosen as the new home of the Pope. The nine popes who succeeded
head of the Church, and who chose to remain in the city of Avignon, they built a complex building with gigantic dimensions, which was used at the same time as papal residence, place of worship and administrative headquarters . The building I'm talking about is the famous Palais des Papes (Papal Palace), now a tourist destination of undoubted charm. The walls
round enclose the heart of the city overlooking the banks of the Rhone, whose waters is the famous bridge. The best time to take a trip to Avignon is definitely July, as this period takes place the famous
Festival D 'Avignon a prestigious theater festival that every year sees thousands of artists and tourists into the streets to create a real show in the round. The so-called Festival
IN , founded in 1974 by Jean Vilar, the venue for many renowned artists international events and offers the highest level in the most suggestivi della cittadella, come la Court D' Honneur del Palais des Papes , il chiostro Des Carmes e quello Des Célestins . Al festival ufficiale si affianca il
coloratissimo ed eterogeneo universo dell' OFF , una grande giostra che ospita numerosissime compagnie provenienti da tutta Europa che ogni anno si contendono gli ambiti palchi dei teatri che popolano la città di Avignone. La concorrenza è davvero spietata, per questa ragione gli artisti si riversano nelle strade per
pubblicizzare i loro spettacoli proponendo piccoli ed accattivanti assaggi delle loro performance. La città si trasforma così in un festoso e colorato circo, dove tutti sono al contempo attori e spettatori. Non posso non citare il trasversale
L' été Danse des Hivernales , piccola ma preziosa vetrina di danza. Ma Avignone non è solo questo. Tolto l'abito
festivaliero rimane l'anima di questa deliziosa cittadella con le sue mura antiche, il gotico, il ponte, il fiume...e il cibo. Tra la fitta rete di stradine trovano spazio ristoranti, bistrot e
brasserie dove fermarsi per una pausa culinaria è d'obbligo. Ce n'è per tutti i gusti, dalla cucina francese alla cucina tipica del sud, dalla
fusion all 'etnico. Ho vissuto ad Avignone per sette mesi e consiglio vivamente ai 'viaggiatori' di tenerla in
considerazione tra le loro prossime mete di viaggio, tutta la zona è davvero fantastica, la région PACA ( Provence , Alpes , C ô te D' Azour ) riserva preziose sorprese per i propri visitatori.
Ecco un mini-guida avignonese, per chi ha voglia di France ... Per un aperitivo/serata un po'
intellectual -radical-chic il luogo ideale è il Cinéma Utopia, luogo di cultura dall'arredamento un po' bizarre che propone pellicole in lingua originale un po' ricercate e dibattiti sull'arte e l'ecologia. Nel piccolo bistrot all'interno è possibile gustare ottime tartines accompagnate da un buon bicchiere di vino per pochi euro...Da provare assolutamente la tapenade - chèvre , bruschettona con patè di olive e formaggio di melted goat.
If you want to deepen the argument tartines is the case then make a detour from Ginette et Marcel , local must-taste a bit 'retro , furnished like a' épicerie '40s that offers a vast selection of bruschetta, but also salads, fast food and excellent desserts . For those who love
brocantage , fusion cuisine (French with Arabian influences ) and 'informality , there The Bazou : local really curious, furnished with original pieces' antiques and bric a brac . Warm welcome and excellent cuisine. There is no menu, or better, the menu is written on a blackboard that travels from table to table and serving different dishes every day. Super recommended appetizers of the house! If you want to feel pampered the place for you is
L ' épice and Love where Mrs. Marie will welcome you by taking literally by the throat. Another restaurant that I would advise is
Pago Pago, where you can taste excellent cheeses e piatti light . Questo ristorante si trova in Place des Carmes , sulla quale si affacciano numerosi ristoranti e che d'estate diventa un'immensa terrazza da pranzo, per cui fate attenzione a scegliere i tavoli che appartengono al ristorante che avete scelto (parlo per esperienza personale!). Per addolcirvi un po' vi suggerisco una mezza dozzina :) di
Macarons , favolosi biscottini a base di albumi e farina di mandorle, mille gusti - mille colori...La pasticceria Mary Popin 's del giovane Roland è un paradiso. Avvolti in un'atmosfera candy, believe to be entered in the fable of Hansel and Gretel ... but no witch! miss the Provencal market
Les Halles offering high quality products: cheeses, meats, wines, spices and so on ... a riot of flavors and colors, where to buy the last day, to bring a little 'taste of France at home. Do not miss the Sunday morning
Marché aux pouces in Places des Carmes and Tuesday and Thursday Marché à la Brocante in Place de Corps Saints . really a micro-drive, but I will not take away the pleasure to wander through the narrow streets and discover the place that best suits your taste.


Cinéma Utopia The
Manutention , 4 rue des ESCALIERS Ste Anne

Ginette et Marcel 25,
Place des Corps Saints

Le Bazou 24,
Rue du Chapeau -Rouge

L' épice and Love 30,
rue des Lices

Le Pago Pago 20,
Place des Carmes

Les Halles
Place Pie

Mary Popin 's
rue du Général Leclerc (di fronte al Conservatory )

Mouthwash Rinse With Water

pH values \u200b\u200bgiven on some food

meat: pH
Cattle (mature) 5.8
Bovino (unripe) 7.0
Veal Lamb
6.0 5.4-6.7 5.3-6.9

Pork Chicken 6.5-6.7

Milk: pH
vaccine 6.6-6.7 6.5-6.8
donkey 7.0-7.2

Flour: pH
wheat flour
6.0-6.3 6.0-7.5

Vegetables: lettuce pH
potatoes 6.1
4.2-4.9 Spinach 5.5-6.8
peas 5.8-7.0
pepper 5.15
5.7-6.2 asparagus beans
eggplant 4.5-5.3
carrots 4.9-5.2

pH 3.4-3.9
apples bananas oranges
4.5-5.2 3.1-4.1 3.4-3.6
grapefruit 3.0-3.3
grape 2.2-2.4 3.4-4.5 3.6-3.8
green olives

Fish: pH
fresh tuna
6.6-6.8 5.2-6.1 6.8-7.0
salmon 6.1-6.3
's freshwater 6.9-7.3

Eggs: pH 7.0-9.0
red 6.4

How Many Temazepam Is Lethal


100 grams of sodium bicarbonate
5 g of fresh rosemary or dried sage
5 g 5 g of mint
5 g of sea buckthorn juice thorny
5 g of agave
Distilled water to make smooth and creamy
Blend for 1 min. and place in a closed container

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Ovulation On December 23rd

Happiness and the principle of action / reaction

Recent scientific studies in psychology, in relation to the welfare of individuals, reveal due punti essenziali:

1.      la felicità e la generosità sono contagiose

2.     la felicità è proporzionata al poter parlare con amici di

 argomenti profondi

Why this?

In this post I will deal with point 1.

As for the generosity, the answer can be explained by the principle of action-reaction.

Usually when we talk about the principle of action-reaction in terms of behavior arises as the subject performs the action that a person: for every action loving / malware that is, there is a reaction loving / malicious correspondent.  Di qui appare ovvio l’effetto domino della generosità. Ma c’è di più.

Talvolta si associa alla parola azione il "gesto, comportamento" che una persona compie, e spesso si tralascia il fatto, per lo meno nella società occidentale, che anche un pensiero è azione.  L'azione in fisica è il prodotto del tempo per l'energia; ogni pensiero ha una durata (tempo) e un'energia (gli effetti si vedono sulla materia ossia sul corpo, basti pensare a come reagisce il mio corpo a pensieri “belli” o “brutti”… prestateci attenzione).

In the book "The finger pointing at the Moon" (Dhammapada, the 'Way of the dharma', one of the most important traces of Buddha's teaching) the "Gemmel Verses," which opened the canon, are crystal clear in the beginning (note that the writing in verse twins helps to focus the image of their action / reaction). Here are the top five:

1 We are what we think.

All that we are

is produced by our mind.

Every word or action

thought that comes from a turbid

is followed by suffering,

as the wagon wheel

follows the hoof of the ox.

2 We are what we think.

All that we are

is produced by our mind.

Every word or action

born of a clear thought

is followed by joy,

like yours shadow follows you,


3 "I was insulted, attacked me,

deceived me, I was robbed."

If you grow these thoughts

live immersed in hatred.

4                 «Mi ha insultato, mi ha aggredito,

mi ha ingannato, mi ha derubato.»

Abbandonando questi pensieri

you free of hatred.

5 In this world hatred

can not put an end to hatred.

Only love is capable

to extinguish hatred.

This is the eternal law.

Even Jesus Christ said (Matthew 19.16-19).

"Love your neighbor as yourself"

(which should be added the necessary condition, not always observed, of "'love in primis se stessi").

Da questi versi immortali  il domandarsi che effetti possono avere i nostri pensieri , se rivolti ad altri, ma anche verso noi stessi, diventa davvero opportuno , e, quindi, l'estirpare pensieri bui e l’innaffiare pensieri puri, d'amore verso se stessi ed il prossimo, diventa un mezzo per raggiungere il fine della "felicità".

Friday, March 12, 2010

Mid Price Receiver, For Musical

Show, Music and Time ... the Vision, March 12, Exhibition of paintings, Ateneo, 9.30, Bari

It opens March 12 at the Hall of Frescoes' s University, the exhibition
Music and time ... vision by Luigi Mastromauro.

Cogito ergo Sound - 2nd Festival of Music and Philosophy

Participants in the philosophical debate
Roberto Andreoni, Gianluca Baldi, Giuseppe Barletta, Alfa Federico, Nicola Cufari Petroni, Giuseppe Di Florio, John France, Paul Gozza, Mariantonietta Lamanna, Andrea Marena, Michael Maiellaro, Pierfranco Moliterni, Catherine Clean, Biagio Putignano, Riccardo Santoboni, Scardicchio Nicola and Carlo Sini.

Artists exhibited:
Mariantonietta Bagliano
tiation Santa
Marina Leo
Angela Lomele
Pierpaolo Miccolis
Teresa Romano
Vania Elettra Tam
Marco Testini

Contemporary art alive by taking the energy in its many possibilities, it makes visible the scope of a proposal by the potential of many different conditions. The island, lighting in his show, making it unique and unrepeatable. "Music in the vision over time ..." exhibition staged in conjunction with the 2nd Festival of Music and Humanities, is the appearance of images, the various senses of sound and thought.

Danilo Santa. A painting in the sign of symbolism, where all the high value of music by providing effective allegory has the ability to live in the organs of the human body.

Mariantonietta Baglio. An environmental installation, placed on a staircase built into the logic of vision, pace and rhythm of the piano keyboard.

Marina Leo. An installation consisting of thirty-three drawings on paper, visual translation provided by means of color graphic tracks from "The 33 Names of God" by Marguerite Yourcenar.

Angela Lomele. An installation that highlights the elements of the game that compose it, the rhythm and cadence, where the track signica and perspective is enhanced by white backgrounds.

Micco Pierpaolo. An installation consists of ten rolls of paper, containing a transposition of a dynamic staff, where the graphic testimony was obtained by the heat.

Teresa Romano. A work that contains a combination of word and image, leading to a widening of the sense of signification.

Marco Testino. It offers a classical musical instrument, like guitar, as a custodian of the container and pieces of historical and cultural discourses.

Vania Elettra Tam. Shows a pictorial representation which has a shape Women who are listening to music, illuminated by small light on your stereo. The sign of an apparent everyday, "set" to do a painting meanings! Cultured.

Louis Mastromauro

"classical music" - Marco Testini 2010 (part of an unreleased song of the musician Steve Tesser)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Free Galleries Of Kates Playground

sisters Gelée

Durante il rituale quotidiano del decaffeinato pomeridiano the little sisters Marta, Monica and Melanie Gelée, were usually confide the most intimate secrets and morbid.