Thursday, January 28, 2010

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The market's faith? No, thanks.

Vorrei parlare della cosiddetta "scommessa di Pascal"
assumption of the philosopher and scientist Blaise Pascal , which incorporates the topic of faith, of believing or not believing in God is based on the mathematical structure is a hypothetical know, that explores all possibilities (positive and negative cases), through the calculation of probabilities. What's the bet? In summary Pascal says should believe than not believe in that even if the probability of the existence of God was minimal, the advantage that it would be infinite (eternal life, not damage).

L'assunto di Pascal presenta anzitutto un errore matematico    (legato al fatto che egli considera il prodotto di zero per infinito uguale ad infinito, cosa affatto non vera, in quanto dall'analisi matematica, che tra l'altro vedeva luce in quei anni, XVII secolo, si sa che tale prodotto può assumere, a seconda dei casi, valore sì zero, ma anche un qualsiasi valore finito positivo o negativo oppure anche un valore infinito). Ma non è tanto questo il motivo dell'intervento; il punto è che  si può parlare di "convenienza nel credere"?

What about faith?

How can something made to be a mere convenience?

And what is the purest in the world of the Faith?

Nothing, I think.

This way the proposition: either you have faith or you do not, in the second caso può arrivare all'improvviso, da un giorno all'altro, ma certamente  non si mercanteggia.

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CITED IN THE BLOG OF CONTEMPORARY ART Exhibition at the Teatro Petruzzelli lactic

Quoted in the blog of contemporary art

appear on the page:

Kate MacDowell

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

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"No money" - case 24 hours, chalk, paper money (facsimile) - Marco Testino - 2009, 'image will be viewable from 16.01.2010 to 01.20.2010 at the Teatro Petruzzelli (Bari)

With the opening of "Art Agora n. 2 "a dream comes true: what art take art, such as Maurizio Ferrandino, president of Agora Mediterranean population", he got to hope just a few months ago during a debate on the spaces reserved for artistic expression in our city.
Even better, if they carry two, because in this case the works on display in the foyer of Petruzzelli during the staging of La Bohème was due to the talent of emerging artists selected by professors of the Academy of Fine Arts in Bari
A sort of virtuous circle that links the quintessential symbol of culture in Bari - the discovery Petruzzelli - with a smithy of art of this city - the academy - putting together different languages \u200b\u200bto offer a wider use as possible.
I am sure that the public will appreciate Bari a proposal has the merit of combine passion with the idea that promoting civil participation in the cultural life of the territory and "contaminating" artistically places and urban spaces to flourish in the whole city system.

Mayor of Bari Michele Emiliano

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

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Torta Cioccolato Cocco e Banana

New year new life! For this I made out a little 'of the ingredients that were left in the pantry. Today I opened the kitchen cupboard and found a couple of blocks of dark chocolate and coconut turnips already open, perfect ... Go chocolaty cake!
Super fast and successful!

Ingredients: 200g flour +
100g cornflour 180g sugar 3 eggs

100g coconut flour
a packet of yeast
vanilla 150 g butter 150g dark chocolate

a bit of a banana
salt powdered sugar for garnish

We combine all ingredients in una ciotola: dapprima le uova con lo zucchero (in modo da montare bene bene le ovine), poi si aggiunge a poco a poco la farina mischiata alla maizena continuando a mescolare; in seguito il burro sciolto e il cioccolato (che avrete fatto sciogliere a bagnomaria), infine il lievito, il cocco e il pizzico di sale. Mescoliamo bene in modo da ottenere un composto omogeneo e aggiungiamo la banana tagliata a tocchetti. Inforniamo a 180° per circa un'oretta. Quando la torta si è un po' raffreddata cospargiamola di zucchero a velo...Et voilà! Bon Appetit!

Monday, January 4, 2010

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Panificazione con pasta acida (pasta madre)

Gli ingredienti da utilizzare sono ingredienti provenienti da agricoltura biologica certificata.
Il presente manuale è da considerare come traccia di lavoro di massima: al variare delle condizioni di temperatura, umidità o qualità degli ingredienti le condizioni di lavoro e i risultati finali possono variare.


2.1.1 STARTER – (per 800 g di pasta madre)
Ingredienti iniziali:
Farina Manitoba – 150 g;
Cumino – 5 g;
Yogurt naturale con fermenti lattici vivi – 20 g;
Acqua a 26° C – 100 g (100 cl);

Amalgamare il cumino, lo yogurt e l’acqua a 26° C, poi a mano a mano aggiungere la farina.
Lavorare the dough by hand until it is smooth.
roll all in a clean tea towel and tie it in mo 'salami, and let rise for 24 hours at a temperature of 20-22 ° C.
The presence rise occurs when the canvas is stretched (inflated), otherwise wait a few more hours.

2.1.2 1st renewal
dough before adding 160 g of flour Manitoba placed a fountain and add 100 g of water at 26 °.
Knead the dough by hand until it is smooth.
roll all in a clean tea towel and tie it in mo 'salami, and let rise for 12 hours at a temperature of 20-22 ° C.
The presence rise occurs when the canvas is stretched (inflated), otherwise wait a few more hours.

2.1.3 2nd Extension
dough before adding 160 g of flour Manitoba placed a fountain and add 100 g of water at 26 °.
Knead the dough by hand until it is smooth.
roll all in a clean tea towel and tie it in mo 'salami, and let rise for 12 hours at a temperature of 20-22 ° C.
The presence rise occurs when the canvas is stretched (inflated), otherwise wait a few more hours.
At this point you will get a total of about 800 g of sourdough.
Store in a refrigerator at 4-6 ° C
NOTE: To maintain the sourdough alive, it must be renewed every three days in practice we need to repeat the operations (see Point 2.1.3 - 2° RINNOVO) ogni 3 giorni.
PS: In caso dell’impossibilità di fare questa operazione ogni 3 giorni, occorre “recuperare” i rinnovi perduti, al ritmo di un rinnovo ogni 4 ore.

Pasta madre – 750 g (tenere da parte 50 g per il prossimo rinnovo);
Farina di frumento, farro, kamut – 4 kg;
water at 26 ° C - 2 kg (200 cl);
Sea Salt - 80 g (20 g per 1 kg of flour);

Dissolve the salt with a bit part 'of water, and add it to the end.
Mix the dough, cut into pieces with water at 26 ° C in the flour in a fountain.
Mix by hand thoroughly and add the remaining water to 26 °.
Knead the dough by hand until it blends well and then let it rest for 5 minutes wrapped in plastic wrap at room temperature 18-20 ° C.
Repeat mixing up to 4 times or until the dough becomes smooth.
Let rise the dough wrapped in plastic wrap for about 1-2 hours. At this point the mixture should increase in volume by about 50%.
Now prepare pieces of 500 g to give the desired shape.
Let rise for 4-6 hours at 25-26 ° C. After the dough has doubled in volume.
Make two cuts with a razor blade or cutter for each piece. Then bake.
Forma tipo baguette: cuocere a 220 °C per circa 20 minuti.
Forma tipo pagnotta di campagna: cuocere a 220 °C per circa 30 minuti.

PREMESSA: ipotesi di effettuare i rinnovi il sabato e la cottura la domenica.

3.1 1° FASE
3.1.1 1° RINNOVO – SABATO ore 8.00
Ingredienti iniziali:
Pasta madre e farina Manitoba in parti uguali; acqua a 26°C in proporzione di metà in peso rispetto alla farina;
Pasta madre – 20 g;
Farina Manitoba – 20 g;
Acqua a 26 °C – 10 g;

Stemperare sourdough, cut into pieces with water at 26 ° C in the flour in a fountain.
Knead by hand on everything.
In a colander place a clean tea towel and put the dough inside and cover, let rise for 4 hours at 26 ° C. At this point the mixture should increase in volume by about 50%.

3.1.2 RENEWAL 2 nd - Saturday 12.00 am
initial Ingredients:
sourdough and flour Manitoba in equal parts water at 26 ° C at a ratio of weight in half the flour;
sourdough - 50 g;
Farina Manitoba - 50 g;
water at 26 ° C - 25 g;

Mix the dough, cut into pieces with water at 26 ° C in the flour in a fountain.
Knead by hand on everything.
In a colander place a clean tea towel and put the dough inside and cover, let rise for 4 hours at 26 ° C. At this point the mixture should increase in volume by about 50%.

3.1.3 RENEWAL 3 rd - Saturday at 16.00
initial Ingredients:
sourdough and flour in equal parts Manitoba ; water at 26 ° C at a ratio of weight in half the flour;
dough - 125 g;
Manitoba flour - 125 g;
water at 26 ° C - 62.5 g ;

Mix the dough, cut into pieces with water at 26 ° C in the flour in a fountain.
Knead by hand on everything.
In a colander place a clean tea towel and put the dough inside and cover, let rise for 4 hours at 26 ° C. At this point the mixture should increase in volume by about 50%.

3.1.4 4 th Saturday at 20:00
Ingredienti iniziali:
Pasta madre e farina Manitoba in parti uguali; acqua a 26°C in proporzione di metà in peso rispetto alla farina;
Pasta madre – 312,5 g;
Farina Manitoba – 312,5 g;
Acqua a 26 °C – 156 g;

Stemperare la pasta madre tagliata a pezzetti con l’acqua a 26° C nella farina disposta a fontana.
Impastare a mano il tutto.
In un colapasta place a sheet of plastic wrap or bag foods and make part of the mix (600g) in and cover, let rise for 12 hours at 26 ° C. At this point the dough should double in volume.
The remaining dough is wrapped in a clean tea towel and tie it in mo 'salami, and store in refrigerator at 4-6 ° C, for the next baking.

3.1.5 Sunday 8.00 am
spent 12 hours since the last renewal:
initial Ingredients:
sourdough - 600 g;
wheat flour, barley, kamut - 3 kg;
water at 26 ° C - 1.5 kg;
Sea Salt Full - 60 g (20 g per 1 kg of flour);

Dissolve the salt with a bit part 'of water, and add it to the end.
Mix the dough, cut into pieces with water at 26 ° C in the flour in a fountain.
Mix Hand the whole thing and add the remaining water to 26 °.
Knead the dough by hand until it blends well and then let it rest for 5 minutes wrapped in plastic wrap at room temperature 18-20 ° C.
Repeat mixing up to 4 times or until the dough becomes smooth.
Let rise the dough wrapped in plastic wrap for about 1-2 hours. At this point the mixture should increase in volume by about 50%.
Now prepare pieces of 500 g to give the desired shape.
Let rise for 4-6 hours at room temperature 25-26 ° C. After the dough has doubled in volume.
Make two cuts with a razor blade or cutter for each piece. Then bake.
Form baguette type: bake at 220 ° C for about 20 minutes.
Form loaf type of campaign: bake at 220 ° C for about 30 minutes.
Bon Appetit!

4. PREPARATION Season with sourdough
This is a method to reuse the sourdough that "advances" from the baking process, or it may be a way to use the sourdough to enrich our diet to lactic acid.

4.1 Dressing
Ingredients: 100g
- sourdough
30g - margarine bio soft spreadable
5g - sea buckthorn oil
10g - sea buckthorn juice
100g - Kombucha bancha

Mix well and season to taste.

4.2 Spreads
Ingredients: 100g
- sourdough
30g - bio soft spreadable margarine
5g - Noni
5g - sea buckthorn oil
5g - spirulina algae
Kombucha depending on desired consistency

Mix well and season to taste.