Monday, December 6, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Bloody Stool In Old Dog Solution
Gallery AREA 53
Gumpendorfer Straße 53
Vienna, Austria
Grand Finale of the Light Art Biennial Austria 2010
Patrick Baumüller (AT), Andrea Borgonovo (IT), Barbara Doser (AT), Heidulf Gerngross (AT), Hofstetter Kurt (AT), Manfred Kielnhofer (AT), Christoph Luckeneder (AT), Eric Michel (FR), Alexandre Murucci (BR), Anka Nidzgorska (PL), Peter Sandbichler (AT), Martina Schettina (AT), Reto Schölly (CH/D), Michael Schuster / Sonja Gangl (AT), Marco Testini (IT),
Two People One Work (AT), Mounty R. P. Zentara (AT)
11. Nov. 2010, 7. p.m.
Gallery AREA 53
Gumpendorfer Straße 53
A-1060 Vienna
+43 676 621 5660
theAREA53 [at]
12. Nov. 2010 – 17. Dec. 2010
Tuesday – Friday, 3.00 pm – 6.30 pm
Saturday by appointment
The „Biennale für Lichtkunst Austria 2010“ is a non-commercial biennial of light art-projects and the first biennial of light art that happende in Austria. The biennial 2010 has the slogan „private light in public spaces“ and runs in several Austrian cities in the autumn of 2010. It started at September 1st in Linz, nearly at the same time as the ars electronica festival which started at September 2nd. The organisation is done by Gallery Artpark Linz, consultant is Peet Thomsen (USA/Copenhagen/Linz). The selection of the artists was curated. Members of the jury were artists and curators, one of them Laura Plana Gracia from Spain.
This first Biennial for Light Art in Austria wants to generate a cut surface between society and art. The spontaneous conjunction with art in public spaces leans on the art concept of Joseph Beuys from 1965 “How to define the paintings to the dead rabbit” in Düsseldorf. A dialogue should arise between art and the public. The concept was made by the two founders of the Light Art Biennial, Manfred Kielnhofer and Martina Schettina.
Art project AREA 53 by TWO PEOPLE ONE WORK
Karin Sulimma & Mounty R. P. ZentaraGrand Finale A5 Folder
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Mite Eletronic Pokemon Online
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Proposed Judgment Of Divorce
Sappiate che qui si apre una fervente collaborazion tra mente e core, bites e livelli, gradient e chine.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
The Proposal Dvdrip Stream
I assure you that it is a place open to all, where you can meet events scheduled for families with children, young couples, and even Granny nostalgic, certainly more than the hippies .
This place is defined by managers and supporters 'collective project of social space', a phrase that perfectly describes the sense of this place which is above all a space of encounter and exchange, a place where you can live approaching culture of life slow, where you can attend dance and theater, where foreigners can take courses in Italian language, where a dinner low - cost , movies and bio markets. The programming
è sempre ricca di eventi molto interessanti , tra giovedì culturali e venerdì all'insegna della buona musica dal vivo.
Ogni terza domenica del mese si svolge il BIO -MERCATO, un evento davvero straordinario e ben strutturato, dove poter acquistare prodotti bio direttamente dai produttori e discutere con loro in merito ad argomenti a volte un po' fumosi come 'chilometro zero' e 'filiera corta' .
Ecco il programma per la prossima domenica 21 Novembre:
Dalle ore 11 e per tutta la giornata:
ortaggi, frutta e pane, ma anche salumi, formaggi
e molte altre autoproductions to taste and buy.
h 13.30 Lunch
bio-social care of Trattoria La plaque (the Farm Cemetery is located in the area;))
In the afternoon, workshops are planned production of bio- sostenibile.Io advice for Milan make a jump, if only to look at how beautiful the town refuses to help with the conservation . For those not in Milan is a good way to see the city from a perspective a bit 'different from the usual, nothing bridges and jet set, but it is definitely worth it!
Here is a link site House Torchiera
A quick post on rural farms -cultural still active in the Milan area.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Question In Cellular Respiration With Diagram
And you say 'but as a new development'? And above all, 'and c'azzecca that '?
Well actually it was indeed a new thing, not only with regard to the program, but for television in general in the sense that it will not be the classic ballet with tits and ass flying, sensual poses, which tend to pornographic or something. Tutt 'other, players will be professional dancers coming from the ranks of the theater-dance and contemporary dance , and there are prominent names in the last twenty years have made the history of dance theater in Italy. The choreographer
chosen for the occasion is indeed Roberto Castello, known as the Italian theatrical scene that, in the now distant eighties, made together with the other components of the company then known as Stop Palmizi, a turning point in the world of contemporary dance . All this was contributed by Carolyn Carlson was called in 1980 by the then Superintendent the Teatro la Fenice in Venice to form the company of La Fenice Theatre and Dance, composed by young Italian dancers. Some of these decided to undertake a personal journey of research creating precisely choreographed to stop Palmizi , group of Francesca Bertolli , Raffaella Giordano, Giorgio Rossi, Michele Abbondanza, Roberto and Roberto Cocconi Catello . Today, all former members continued their artistic staff with their companies within the structures they have built over the past twenty-five years.
in the next post I will try to do an overview of the situation creative contemporary dance in Italy, starting from just looking historical groups and to introduce you gradually work all of them. Returning to our new choreographer
RAI, in the years following the dissolution Palmizi Stop Group, in 1986, Castle has created its own group research, called Aldes , creating shows with strong social and political forms of expression which combines heterogeneous technologies.
In 2003 he received the Premio Ubu Section Tatro -dance for the show 'The Best of Possible Worlds' in 2008 and opened SPAM, Centre for the Performing Arts Contemporary .
post here a video of a famous performance of Aldes entitled Scenes from a Marriage .
Link site Roberto Castello
A small historical parenthesis to introduce a bit 'part of what we're going to see Monday ... The situation is delicate because of the risk of not being understood or to propose anything too foreign to taste the general public tv.
Personally I hope that the maneuver TV + Contemporary Dance functions.
What do you think? I'd be curious to hear your feed - back after Monday!
updated the article posting here the video of the ending theme to come away with me, deliberately avoids making comments to the transmission. Instead I offer my congratulations to artist friends in this video!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Cervical Mucus After Depo
Here you will find the version that seals our Grigolausa tête-à-tête matito cross- .
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
How Long Can Ocular Migraines Last?
Friday, October 29, 2010
Help Finding The Perfect Computer
very short post today to raise an issue that affects all workers in the entertainment, especially the freelance dancers, and that is the problem of 'unpaid work'.
This scourge, which is now rampant throughout the Italian territory, and that affects not only small groups and the production of series b, but also well-known names and big productions, is now in a permanent disfiguring and uncontrollable world of Italian culture. Oh yes, because unpaid work also means lower quality of performance, and, consequently, lower quality of work.
As far as I'm concerned, the cause of the problem traveling on a parallel track: on the one hand legislation inadequate (too many, too many cuts and inequitable distribution of funds), lack of controls on the distribution of funds, lack of a union of category can REALLY defend workers, lack of dissemination of knowledge that is the culture of contemporary dance in Italy.
other hand, the workers themselves who are unable to refuse offers of unpaid work, paid or inadequately. This creates a supply proliferate to provide for free, perhaps hidden behind the title of 'training'. Another problem the lack of a true 'register' of professionals, so anyone can be so classified, with serious consequences on the quality (maybe because often professionals do not even have to select where they know that there is no money for production, but non-professionals, yes, only for the glory, and choreographers and producers as they are, choose the lesser evil and make the production too, with poor results in terms of quality).
The good thing is that the issue is also raised by industry associations and individual artists in some way, like me, are trying to make their voices heard.
Because culture is important, e per fare buona cultura serve che il lavoro di chi la fa venga rispettato.
Vi lascio dei link interessanti. Passateparola!
Per chi di voi non l'avesse ancora vista:
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Law Enforcement Flashlights
now know what my philosophy in terms of food, seasonal products and so on!
For today's recipe I chose chickpeas, pumpkin and mushrooms ... Excellent, really.
500g of dried chickpeas (soak for at least 12 hours before)
250g pumpkin 50g dried porcini mushrooms (if fresh 250g)
1 onion 1 clove garlic cream
nut oil 1 fresh rosemary
pepper grated pecorino cheese
In a frying pan, sauté onion and garlic to pan with the pumpkin pieces in oil extra virgin olive oil.
Cook the vegetables for a few minutes and then transfer them in a pan with high sides and add the drained chickpeas (already put to soak for at least 12 hours).
Add water to cover about three fingers and put the vegetables on the stove to boil. Add
nut, pepper, and cook with lid for about an hour.
After this time, remove from pan a ladle plenty of vegetables e tenete da parte. Nel frattempo mettete in ammollo i funghi e con il mixer passate le verdure rimaste nella casseruola fino ad ottenere una crema. A questo punto rimettete i cereali che avevate tolto precedentemente nella pentola e aggiungete i funghi e il rosmarino, lasciando sul fuoco per ancora una ventina di minuti. A questo punto spegnete il fuoco e aggiungete la panna e mescolate bene in modo da amalgamare bene il tutto.
Servite in ciotole o fondine calde aggiungendo una goccia di olio a crudo, qualche fogliolina di rosmarino fresco e una spruzzata di pecorino.
Buon appetito!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Best Fuel Economy Trucks
Friday, October 22, 2010
Free Pool Table Blueprint
La qualità del cibo. Cosa significa food 'quality'? What does 'healthy eating'?
Until a few years ago might have been limited to exclude from the diet, too much sugar, fats, fried foods, carbonated beverages. Now the problem is another: even those who think they eat properly , really does not have this one hundred percent certainty, in the sense that, unfortunately, little is known about how the food arrives on the banks of the great distribution and then on our tables .
Why I decided to write this post?
On days when the show is taking place Internazionale del Gusto (Torino, 21/25 October 2010) is racked my brains in my head thoughts that revolve around the question 'quality of life ', primarily food. Some of the encounters that have made me reflect on the subject, beyond the fact that part of my family has been cultivating the land (for private use, of course, and this allows me to have a direct comparison between food 'organic' and food bought at the super ) have meant that taking a deep interest in me on the issue.
But we say that the main push came to write this article after seeing a documentary American - Food, Inc . of 2008 - precisely on the intended food such as meat and vegetables from large distribution .
Here we talk about farming, livestock filled with antibiotics and fed with corn (in the case of cattle as well as being contrary to nature also leads to harmful consequences for the animal and the man who eats the meat), meat treated with ammonia to be disinfected , soy genetically modified and obviously exploitation of labor.
course, in Italy there is definitely a different situation, the controls are larger, the area is limited so also the size of herds and crops change. But we can be sure of the quality of the food we eat every day?
I mean, we are sure that the tomatoes in December have not been treated with substances that in some way can be harmful to the body?
And then, given the condition as it relates to our planet, you could also reserve a special attention to everything that goes around the food business.
I mean, it's all a matter of 'running economy', but this way we are ruining: bad food, injurious to health; pollution caused by the use of vehicles and factories. How to say 'we hurt, but we have more money'. It 's a reasoning a bit' as fools, do not you think?
It 's also true that the issue is not so simple and it can not be exhausted in a few lines, spitting sentenzine a bit' by radical chic. I would simply
raise an issue, create a question that may give rise to a confrontation with you!
What do you think of this?
What do you say the word short chain, organic, biodynamic, eco-sustainable km zero?
Meanwhile I leave you the link of documentary I mentioned. E '' hard stuff ', so stay tuned.
For those wishing to investigate the matter bio here's another interesting site
To people like me here is a super site! (You can find everything, including where to buy slow)
Hoping to receiving comments and ideas to continue the discussion.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
North Face Backpack Outlet
bothered even closed the blog ... I had thought of leaving here because there were things I liked to remain available to those who had wanted to read.
But no, same fucking shit.
Update - December 11, 2010
As it turns me today so I put back on line after the strictly musical.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Is Fake
La mostra a cura di Andrea Borgonovo, Alberto Pala e Pericoli Anna presenta quattro artisti contemporanei Andrea Borgonovo, Samuele Calabrò, Marco Testini, Mounty R.P. Zentara.
Gli artisti, uniti dalla volontà di analisi della luce, propongono visioni e lavorazioni differenti, permettendo un percorso multiforme, which, thanks to a direct confrontation with the different personalities of the analysis highlights a contemporary art against the light and its nuances.
Andrea Borgonovo with his works on three research dialogue and object, form and light, a light passing through the area, in particular the photographic negatives made by him, included in its installations, such as memory arrays, memory re-lived through the light.
Samuele Calabrò shifts its attention on the relationship between light and video or television image, the artist will present infatti un’opera video, dove la luce diventa fondante e protagonista.
Un approccio differente viene invece offerto attraverso le installazioni luminose dell’artista viennese Mounty R.P. Zentara, che instaura un rapporto diverso con la luce, realizzando architetture di luce che si rapportano con lo spazio, creando delle alterazioni visive attraverso l’utilizzo di neon coloranti, mettendo lo spettatore davanti ad una trasformazione espressiva dello spazio che lo circonda.
Infine l’opera proposta da Marco Testini vuole essere un momento di confronto e relazione con lo spettatore attraverso un progetto di vendita e documentazione on-line, of his "Kiss", by means of a web page specially created by the .
Monday, October 4, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
How To Burn Dual Layer Dvd 2009
self-cover-compilation "Other Gardens" of Giardini di Miro had already spoken when it was made available for streaming in May, is a brief resume of the argument to show that Bandcamp is available on digital download of the 17 pieces of that first collection , along with six pieces of Part Other Other Gardens.
Both are available at no cost and with the usual high quality Bandcamp, one of my favorite sites for sharing "legal" music. It seems almost unnecessary
recommend the download ... :)
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Length Of Floor Length Draperies
September, now the holidays are a distant memory. We all went back to our little habits, to the endless routine of working days, the happy-hour venting in alcohol where the frustration of not being able to tell the boss what they really think of him, to cinemino on Wednesday evening which costs one euro and fifty less.
attimino babes, meet new people, a breath of fresh air, here I am to suggest a few festivals where you can taste new and unusual id creation of young and established companies of national and international theater scene.
Festival Now in its fifth edition of the Festival for Contemporary Arts offers a rich calendar of events ranging from contemporary dance to experimental theater.
Terni, from September 23 to October 3 Different Places
Festival hosted this year in the halls of the renovated theater and beautiful Elf Puccini Course Buenos Aires and new headquarters of the Off Pim, with programming dedicated to the Italian scene and the U.S., big names in dance such as Made in USA Stephen Petronio and Alonzo King will alternate Italian Adriana Borriello and many names of young Showcase Italy.
Milan, from 8 October to 21 November
Elf Puccini Theatre - Theatre Off Pim
Festival Now in its twenty-fifth edition, the Festival is RomaEuropa Unver and its box of wonders: theater, cinema, music, dance, performance, and a festival in the round in short, to the standard of new languages \u200b\u200band of genres.
Rome from 21 September to 2 dicembre
Luoghi Vari
Vie Scena Contemporanea Festival
Un prezioso e ricco festival che si svolge in Emilia-Romagna nei territori di Modena, Carpi e Vignola. Offre nomi del panorama italiano ed internazionale d'avanguardia.
Quest'anno tra gli altri Pippo Delbono e il Workcenter di Jerzy Grotowski.
Modena, Carpi, Vignola, dall'8 al 16 ottobre
Luoghi Vari
On the Road - Short Formats 2010
Nuova veste per il festival dei 'pezzi brevi' diretto quest'anno da Massimo Carosi, e organizzato dallo storico CRT di Milano; The festival will take place in various places and it will be the banner of urban dance.
Milan, 8 to 10 October
Urban areas of zone 5
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Wireless Computer Headset
In the picture: ah as they were undoubtedly the most rewarding ways to the incunabula of the fifteenth century than to the books today!
- Have you seen the discussion a proposito "libro elettronico" sul blog di ReAnto?
- L'ho vista, l'ho vista, ma sono rimasto in disparte - però tu te la sei presa a cuore!
- Mah, un pochino sì. E' che a me le opinioni preconcette danno sempre fastidio, se poi sono unite a snobismo(anche non indie) mi fan venire la mia solita orticaria.
Questa del libro di carta contro il libro elettronico è una variante della solita mp3 contro cd contro dischi in vinile, ma se possibile è ancora peggio: perchè si svolge completamente in formato elettronico. E' un po' come girare un film che sostiene la superiorità assoluta del teatro sul cinema, oppure scrivere email che sostengono la superiorità assoluta della posta on the traditional mail.
- Ok, but by then the smell of paper weight, the weight of the volume, the beauty and character of the cover?
- More or less, a cock. I've never bought a book to smell or taste the paper pages, but only to read what is written above. It seems to me a thing, as it were, naturally, that should not even be questioned. A paper book is full of crap full of crap. The medium is the message at all.
- On this I disagree with you: there are means to "flatten" the message, distorting, the drugged. We want to take the example of television?
- Even no. This is what television indiesnobismo Luddite, as the rejection of the technology that replaces the bad good books. I do not think that television has lowered the level of education of the masses, I would say the opposite.
But regret is the coolest time before television, when all the free time reading Schopenhauer and listened to Mozart.
The web is a container of democracy and freedom, much more than a newspaper or a book. Why the web, you can participate. More than "where I put the notes in the margins", here for example there is a section of comments, which moreover do not remain only to you, but they are visible to anyone participating in the discussion.
- But not everything is new is good! So we run the risk of throwing away good things also.
- Maybe. But here we are anyway talking about messages, not containers. The original of, say, one of the Dialogues of Plato was probably written on papyrus, then was transcribed on parchment by scribes, was then printed with the various technologies available from time to time, and now you can find without difficulty anywhere.
Well, we do not believe it but words are always the same. The ideas do not change depending on the medium that contains it. So this focus on the container and not on the content, let us urticaria.
- In fact you could say that by being in the field the written word, any technological advance in its reproduction has contributed to further spread of the "book". If only for the increasing decline in the cost of reproduction and therefore the selling price. Unless you want to support that culture was more widespread and more accessible at the time of medieval scribes, or of the aristocrats of Athens.
- Yeah, and who knows how to complain "conservatives" of every age, supporting the parchment as a tactile experience was far below that of the papyrus, or the coldness of the tank than the diabolical machine Gutenberg Hot Gothic script of the scribes Tübingen, and so on.
- True, imagine that risucire have to find people who complain about the new social network "bad" (Twitter, Facebook) that remove public access to "good" blog ...
- And in all this, the best thing is that nobody has mentioned the object of debate with which I began: that the Kindle, which is a next-generation electronic reader, which has virtually nothing to do with the screen computer. But whatever the amount was to support the superiority of the paper.
Notes and links:
"Systems" is self-ironic, eh: the inspiration for the form is Gianni Brera, not Galileo Galilei:)
Friday, September 10, 2010
How Do I Get My Wax License In Ny
In the picture: just like all this hard! And what Obama has in hand is a copy left at the White House since Richard Nixon.
Here we are. Almost a request for this episode [1], but it is a "challenge" that I picked up willingly.
Why is my history with this record is long, I heard for the first time around 1985, then again a decade later, and a third time a few months ago.
Each time, got to the end of the album I thought "mah" and move on. [2]
After reading - really beautiful - review / essay linked by Sigur Ros [3] I tried again: the disk was left in the iPod and, with self-denial and discreet effort of will, I heard no less than four times from start to finish, on the way home-office-home office. [4]
I understand and I can appreciate the conceptual part of the work.
But, as already mentioned in the discussion cited in note 1, even before defining what the "pleasure" in music, I believe in listening to a disc it is needed. Whatever be your "listening pleasure" [5], here there is almost nothing that makes this for me .
's not that I fear for some 'noise, discord, dissonance.
But when the dissonance is the rule, when the "not nice" è cercato ostinatamente, quando disarmonia e assenza di melodia sono tutto quello che c'è, beh, mi arrendo.
E posso anche capire la scrittura rigorosa delle parti strumentali, la ricerca di un obiettivo pienamente raggiunto, cosicchè ogni cosa che si sente sul disco è esattamente quello che Captain Beefheart voleva si sentisse.
Ma quando lo scopo è realizzare qualcosa di inascoltabile [6], perchè dovrei ascoltarlo? Se lo facessi, contribuirei a non realizzare lo scopo per il quale il disco è stato registrato...
Questo disco potrebbe essere uno scolapasta senza buchi, magari ideato da un famoso designer: forse anche bellissimo, ma inutile.
E' un disco senza musica e senza canzoni.
There are some things I like about the same, mind you: the sound of the guitar is really nice, and that sound, that kind of interplay between the two guitars that sometimes intra-feel are in my opinion the thing that most influenced groups "heirs" of this disc.
for the rest:
- The voice is unbearable. The little voices and the loud voice, already I do not particularly like the disks of Zappa ...
- The songs "a cappella" [7] are irritating: the effect of "high mass" is disgraceful.
- Even the few times that the guitars are playing "together", the voice is not to lose too much time to follow: usually continues to go on his own.
- Low maybe there, maybe not. Not pervenuto.
- La batteria è veramente registrata alla cazzo.
- Il missaggio, sembra fatto a seconda di chi c'era in quel momento al mixer: un tecnico del suono, un passante, il cane di Captain Beefheart, il ragazzo dei giornali o la signora delle pulizie. La voce è spesso insopportabilmente alta, a volte le chitarre spariscono del tutto.
- A volte arriva un sax suonato alla cazzo, che fa tanto figo e free-jazz. [8]
E parlando delle non-canzoni:
- C'è un brano che sembra root-blues, d'accordo. Carino. E quindi?
- Ci sono un due/tre di pezzi dove il Capitano non canta. Mi immagino la band che si ritrova in studio: "Dov'è il capo? Ha detto che oggi non viene, cià mal di pancia." And down the run, all happy, to record a piece of shit without that voice over.
- The polyrhythm which is discussed in links, not hear it. "Polyrhythm" different rhythms are fused together, different rates in different songs (or several sections of the same song), or the one played as it happens.
- slide guitars (same source as above), boh. Sure who wrote that part of the disc has heard? I heard a slide maybe in a couple of songs.
- Texts, boh. They will also be beautiful, but do not understand them on the fly, I do not know enough English. Should I put myself there, try to listen only the text to try to understand: it is not something I normally do while listening to a disc.
- The songs have a big advantage: they are short. At least that. What then are many. I do not often look at the counter of the CD ("Where are we, the track number. 15? Shit, still 13?") And hope that you reach the end quickly.
This is one of the few discs that make me think "but how nice it is finished." [9]
So, to make a record that seems so completely did the fuck, there are two paths: either write everything exactly , note by note, always trying to give the impression of a random chaos, not at all controlled.
Or, more simply, to do this shit. How are you.
If you ask me, the second I said.
Notes and links:
[1] See the comment of Joyelle (27/08/10 13:13 hours) and following the post holidays finished.
[2] is not particularly original, but usually I could think of Battleship Potemkin.
[3] In its comments to the post mentioned in footnote 1 above.
[4] The very first result was a further decline of enthusiasm for going to work, now balanced by an unexpected drop of enthusiasm to go home ...
[5] That can be anything for me, checked the sound of the early Sonic Youth, the melodies buried under the feedback of My Bloody Valentine, de-structuring David Sylvian last sound, the sound of laptop Fennesz, minimalist drones of Richard Skelton.
[6] Version politcally correct "otherwise listenable".
[7] Not in the sense of "front end of the cock." Or maybe, in retrospect.
[8] And here, I have to say "no thanks". Not interested in the jazz, we're talking rock. I can not find the need to "dignify" the alleged grafting rock music more "high", such as jazz or classical music.
[9] To be clear, then comes Harmonica and leaves us a couple of sentences against the avant-garde music and in favor of the pop class: with so many albums of avant-garde / noise / drone-psychedelic / field recording did not even wait to arrive in half, pressing "stop" and delete from your perennial.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Army Wavier For Eczema
post a quick recipe, ideal in summer and sees as its main ingredient the zucchini flowers, easy to find this season.
be accompanied by a jaunty glass of Prosecco, a delicious aperitif ...
10 zucchini flowers 100g
Bastardo semi-mature cheese (or cheese like Taleggio)
herbs (chives, basil)
For the batter: 200g of flour
two egg whites a tablespoon of oil a pinch of salt
tablespoon marsala
sparkling water Mix the flour sifted with salt, oil and Marsala wine. Then add a little 'and the clear water of the egg whites. Keep stirring and adding water until you obtain a cream rather dense and smooth.
At this point the flowers filled with balls of cheese that you have previously mixed with herbs, making sure you delete the pistils.
then immerse the flowers in batter and fry in hot vegetable oil.
Cook the flowers until they reach a nice amber color and then place them on a plate covered with paper towels. Let them cool slightly before serving.
Bon appetit!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Make Blueprints Online Free
Monday, August 23, 2010
Dvd Carousel Recorder
Hello everyone!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
How To Fake A Kidney Stone Attack
almost feel embarrassed to break here, so indiscreet, after all this time, although it is my blog!
Seriously, the time is what it is, but I promise that by September, the blog will be updated with more frequently, perhaps also giving more space to the section 'performing arts' ...
But now I post a recipe niente male che ho provato qualche sera fa...finalmente sono riuscita a ricreare il polpo in umido come l'avevo gustato in Grecia (o quasi!).
Questo fantastico viaggio nel Peloponneso risale al 2006, ma quel sapore non l'ho ancora dimenticato...Purtroppo non ricordo il nome del ristorante, ma posso dirvi che era a Gythio, all'estrema destra del lungomare (guardando il mare, dando le spalle al paese), se per caso passate da quelle parti fermatevi perché ne vale davvero la pena, vi fanno scegliere il pesce e ve lo cucinano direttamente sulla brace, inoltre, se vedono che siete buone forchette, per tutta la sera non fanno altro che portare in tavola specialità di pesce cucinato in ogni modo...adoro!
Ingredienti (per 4): 4
balls about 3 ounces each.
tomatoes sauce 4 potatoes a bit 'big
1 red onion 2 cloves garlic
carrot / celery
taste (parsley, bay leaf, thyme, rosemary, red pepper) salt
oil to taste a glass of white wine Dry
begin by saying that if you have a crock pot in the house would be great!
But even a good non-stick pan is fine ...
begin by making a soffrittino with carrot, celery, onion and garlic in olive oil.
After some minutes add the octopus in the meantime we will have clean (remove the eyes and teeth, we sacs and tentacles, cleaned very well under cold water). I usually cut the clam pieces not too small (I leave the length of the tentacles), but we can also leave it in one piece, aesthetically is definitely better, you just pay attention to the cooking (a bit 'more).
Fry along with the vegetables until they become our beautiful red octopus and a little 'curly, then we can pour the wine and cook until evaporated (7-8 minutes).
Now we can add the potatoes cut into pieces, the chopped tomatoes, salt and pepper. The water left from vegetables and octopus should be enough. Stir from time to time, ending each time with the lid (do not hold the flame too high, I would say that at the beginning can be lively, then reduce to a minimum). Cooking is about all'oretta and 1 / 4 or so. Towards the end of cooking (a half hour before the end) add the chopped flavors and mix well. The sauce will be very dense and at the end of the octopus should be soft.
You can serve with the croutons and served with fresh salad.
Bon appetit!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Can I Take Zopiclone And Diazepam Together
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tortilla Chip Manufacturers In California
1. After the alphabet for the inorganic rock music [1], I'd say there is too modest about music Decalogue "independent" [2] Italian 80s. [3] recently
Why is underway (albeit small) rediscovery of many musical experiences of that decade, with reprints (Spittle Records ), mail orders ( Mannequin ) and blogs ( hammock and Venus On +) who are rediscovering / saving a lot of those years. Not all good, eh, indeed. I listened parecchio materiale degli anni in questione ultimamente, e direi che la stragrande maggioranza delle cose avrebbero potuto tranquillamente rimanere nel dimenticatoio.
Ma non tutto, ovvio. Direi che sono esistite diverse fasi ben distinte nel decennio, e a volte bastava un anno di tempo per fare una enorme differenza. E quindi, ricordi di quel decennio (secondo me) in dieci punti. [4]
2 . Il primo periodo, lo chiamerei della new wave . Diciamo fino al 1980. Bologna più che altro: Gaznevada, Confusional Quartet, Stupid Sets, Rats, anche Skiantos e il mitico concerto "Bologna Rock". Insieme, c'era il Great Complotto di Pordenone. Solo che all'epoca i dischi non li ho mai trovati, ne conoscevo the existence and nothing else. [3]
3. The post punk , until 1982 or so. Florence in the foreground, with Neon, Pankow, the first diaphragm and Litifiba. And two extraordinary fanzine as Free and Rockgarage (Venice). And the first experience at the national level, Underground Life in Monza, Not Moving, Victrola, The Masque. Manifesto and summation of the period, the collection "Gathered" of Rockerilla, published in late 1982.
4. The dark until 1985/1986. Two posters: "Body Section", the second collection edited by Rockerilla the end of 1983, "Catalogue Issue" of Italian Records debut. The second road, sadly, through the "new Italian music sung in Italian, will bring the pirates to Pelù, while the former will lead the work (for me) the best period in Milan Weimar Gesang, 2 +2 = 5, Janitor of Lunacy, along with several other formations "minor" and soon to die (if you wish, which is quite in line with gender issues), say in conjunction with the release of the third compilation of Rockerilla, "Eighties Colours".
5. the period that followed garage / psychedelic then the period Stooges. [6] the dark years, during which each group that was not a direct emanation of the two currents was ignored or mocked by the "mainstream press" (Rockerilla pile. The Buscadero no, there lived in Wild West, and then the information about a country so far and less like Italy did not arrive). Of all the stuff there, I would save only NoStrange, the only real "psychedelic" pile.
6. And at that time (we got to 1986/1988) the best things are more or ignored, as the Leanan Sidhe, why do not they conform to what the press wants to hear. And so, while in England born Jesus & Mary Chain, Spacemen 3 and My Bloody Valentine, Dinosaur Jr. and the U.S., Sonic Youth and Flaming Lips, in Italy there Rockerilla slumps fuck with the Chesterfield Kings and the Morlocks.
7. Fortunately that was born here will then be called "indie rock", is about to be born "grunge" and the 80s are about to end. In Italy there is the Carnival of Fools and Afterhours, and are two of the best Italian bands ever. Then began the '90s, but that's another story.
8. There are also groups "out of the pile." First of all (my dearest and beloved enough) Franti. But the first CCCP, at least until "Similarities and differences" were really disruptive. Then bursts, especially the balls: at one point it seemed that they had not only invented the music sung in Italian, but the music itself and even the Italian ... It also phenomena such as Casino Royale, but it is a type of group che non mi ha mai interessato molto.
9 . Qui arrivati, e volendo fare un'estrema sintesi del periodo, chi volesse davvero ascoltare "il meglio" [7], da dove dovrebbe partire?
Secondo me:
Gaznevada - Sick Soundtrack
Neon - Obsessions
Diaframma - Altrove
Not Moving - i primi due EP: Strange Dolls e Movin Over
Weimar Gesang - No Given Path
Leanan Sidhe - Ash Groove Primroses
Carnival of Fools - Blues Get Off My Shoulder (ottimo cd antologico del 2003)
Afterhours - During Christine's Sleep
CCCP - Ortodossia II
Franti - tutto. Ma questa era fuori a mezzo :)
In aggiunta, le due compilation di Rockerilla (Gathered e Body Section) and the Great Conspiracy.
10. Everything else, just for fans and completists. [8]
The recent flowering of reprints which was mentioned at the beginning has brought to light many things that you could easily do without, too many copies of the diaphragm and Litfiba too many formations, "but I can not."
But if you have time, read as Free and Rockgarage fanzine (or Black Tribal Cabaret, Amen) I could say much more about what drives many of peridodo unfocused and too derivative. [9]
Notes and links:
[1] Then I leave for vacation, 20 days without wi-fi/internet/email. If you survive you again after August 20, happy holidays to all:)
[2] The choice of the word took me a bit 'of time, because of "indie" music and "alternative" has begun to speak after (or at the end of) the decade, and new wave music covers only the first 5 / 6 years of the 80.
As I remember at the time was instead used the phrase "independent music" to identify a bit 'all that was not the standings and Sanremo.
[3] Even as the tail post on the Weimar Gesang, and some things said here in comments.
[4] Post, quite harmless, really. For once, I believe that no one can find is polemical: I only speak Italian groups more or less good, much less known, more or less what you want. No one talks about Springsteen or Dylan, I should be safe for once ... :)
[5] were different times ... Recently reissued (along with the mythical first house of Gaznevada) by the praiseworthy Shake Edizioni . If you do not know, let us for a ride.
[6] I must mention yet another gleaning from vinyl? Of course not, and then:
Garage: Music
dead and buried but artificially raised, is going out of fashion again. The last one, hopefully
Rockerilla No. 102: In its issue of February 1989
Glorious magazine Liguria, the word appears Stooges 26 times, including 13 in an article dedicated to the Italian groups "emerging". We will complain in the future on the same pages of the lack of originality of the national scene? I hope not.
[7] In terms of musical quality, as I perceive it today, not from the standpoint of historical evidence, then the choices would be different.
[8] But surely I have forgotten someone, eh, I apologize and please leave corrections in the comments!
[9] And of course much more than my highly personal vision of music in those years.
[10] This note is not in the text, only serves to make round numbers between the Decalogue and notes ... :)
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Dr Seuss Rhyming Verbiage
Ps: Today I also find ziguline .