Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bloody Stool In Old Dog Solution

Grand Finale of the Light Art Biennial 2010 Austria

Gallery AREA 53

Gumpendorfer Straße 53

Vienna, Austria

the Project AREA 53 presents

Grand Finale of the Light Art Biennial Austria 2010

Patrick Baumüller (AT), Andrea Borgonovo (IT), Barbara Doser (AT), Heidulf Gerngross (AT), Hofstetter Kurt (AT), Manfred Kielnhofer (AT), Christoph Luckeneder (AT), Eric Michel (FR), Alexandre Murucci (BR), Anka Nidzgorska (PL), Peter Sandbichler (AT), Martina Schettina (AT), Reto Schölly (CH/D), Michael Schuster / Sonja Gangl (AT), Marco Testini (IT),

Two People One Work (AT), Mounty R. P. Zentara (AT)


11. Nov. 2010, 7. p.m.


Gumpendorfer Straße 53

A-1060 Vienna

+43 676 621 5660

theAREA53 [at]

12. Nov. 2010 – 17. Dec. 2010

Tuesday – Friday, 3.00 pm – 6.30 pm

Saturday by appointment

The „Biennale für Lichtkunst Austria 2010“ is a non-commercial biennial of light art-projects and the first biennial of light art that happende in Austria. The biennial 2010 has the slogan „private light in public spaces“ and runs in several Austrian cities in the autumn of 2010. It started at September 1st in Linz, nearly at the same time as the ars electronica festival which started at September 2nd. The organisation is done by Gallery Artpark Linz, consultant is Peet Thomsen (USA/Copenhagen/Linz). The selection of the artists was curated. Members of the jury were artists and curators, one of them Laura Plana Gracia from Spain.

This first Biennial for Light Art in Austria wants to generate a cut surface between society and art. The spontaneous conjunction with art in public spaces leans on the art concept of Joseph Beuys from 1965 “How to define the paintings to the dead rabbit” in Düsseldorf. A dialogue should arise between art and the public. The concept was made by the two founders of the Light Art Biennial, Manfred Kielnhofer and Martina Schettina.

Art project AREA 53 by TWO PEOPLE ONE WORK

Karin Sulimma & Mounty R. P. ZentaraGrand Finale A5 Folder

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mite Eletronic Pokemon Online

Sunday Morning

Post a lifetime: there is a new blog yesterday, called Sunday Morning and talk about music.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Proposed Judgment Of Divorce

Angrigolo Post # 1 Bis

La piccola unità di produzione è lieta di presentarvi la colorazione del mio precedente disegno della vecchia eseguita nientedimenoche da Elena Grigoli von Grigolausen , raffinata interprete di un'epoca polverosa e muffoide in cui Photoshop manco sapevano che fosse.
Sappiate che qui si apre una fervente collaborazion tra mente e core, bites e livelli, gradient e chine.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Proposal Dvdrip Stream

BIO-MERCATO in Cascina Torchiera

For those who do not already know there is a place in Milan that tries to defy the laws of time, and yes, even the ruler of capitalism: it is the House Torchiera , historic building dating back to 1330, and ownership of the Fathers of the Certosa di Garegnano until 1888. subsequently purchased by the City of Milan, an organization that has never worried about conservation of the place, dropping the structure in a state of total decay, the House was occupied in the early nineties by a group of neighborhood children who set up creating the self-administered centers Torchiera to try to recover and support the site in a self-managed.
The House Torchiera Waterless Self-Governing takes its name from the event dating back to 1995, when the ' Administration Formentini walls the water inlet pipe of the House and shall issue an order for eviction, which is still present, reads the site. Since then dozens of people have engaged with works of volunteering to make sure that this place could continue to live, bringing jobs restructuring and giving rise to a unique social space.
I assure you that it is a place open to all, where you can meet events scheduled for families with children, young couples, and even Granny nostalgic, certainly more than the hippies .
This place is defined by managers and supporters 'collective project of social space', a phrase that perfectly describes the sense of this place which is above all a space of encounter and exchange, a place where you can live approaching culture of life slow, where you can attend dance and theater, where foreigners can take courses in Italian language, where a dinner low - cost , movies and bio markets. The programming
è sempre ricca di eventi molto interessanti , tra giovedì culturali e venerdì all'insegna della buona musica dal vivo.
Ogni terza domenica del mese si svolge il BIO -MERCATO, un evento davvero straordinario e ben strutturato, dove poter acquistare prodotti bio direttamente dai produttori e discutere con loro in merito ad argomenti a volte un po' fumosi come 'chilometro zero' e 'filiera corta' .

Ecco il programma per la prossima domenica 21 Novembre:

Dalle ore 11 e per tutta la giornata:
ortaggi, frutta e pane, ma anche salumi, formaggi
e molte altre autoproductions to taste and buy.

h 13.30 Lunch
bio-social care of Trattoria La plaque (the Farm Cemetery is located in the area;))

In the afternoon, workshops are planned production of bio- sostenibile.Io advice for Milan make a jump, if only to look at how beautiful the town refuses to help with the conservation . For those not in Milan is a good way to see the city from a perspective a bit 'different from the usual, nothing bridges and jet set, but it is definitely worth it!

Here is a link site House Torchiera

A quick post on rural farms -cultural still active in the Milan area.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Question In Cellular Respiration With Diagram

Vieni Via con Me, a passo di danza

Monday, November 8 will air the first episode of the program conducted by the pair discussed Fazio / Saviano. Tranquilli, I do not want to open yet another discussion on fees, invitations, programs program so no, I would rather get familiar with a great new addition to the program, namely the fact that there will be a dance troupe.
And you say 'but as a new development'? And above all, 'and c'azzecca that '?
Well actually it was indeed a new thing, not only with regard to the program, but for television in general in the sense that it will not be the classic ballet with tits and ass flying, sensual poses, which tend to pornographic or something. Tutt 'other, players will be professional dancers coming from the ranks of the theater-dance and contemporary dance , and there are prominent names in the last twenty years have made the history of dance theater in Italy. The choreographer
chosen for the occasion is indeed Roberto Castello, known as the Italian theatrical scene that, in the now distant eighties, made together with the other components of the company then known as Stop Palmizi, a turning point in the world of contemporary dance . All this was contributed by Carolyn Carlson was called in 1980 by the then Superintendent the Teatro la Fenice in Venice to form the company of La Fenice Theatre and Dance, composed by young Italian dancers. Some of these decided to undertake a personal journey of research creating precisely choreographed to stop Palmizi , group of Francesca Bertolli , Raffaella Giordano, Giorgio Rossi, Michele Abbondanza, Roberto and Roberto Cocconi Catello . Today, all former members continued their artistic staff with their companies within the structures they have built over the past twenty-five years.
in the next post I will try to do an overview of the situation creative contemporary dance in Italy, starting from just looking historical groups and to introduce you gradually work all of them. Returning to our new choreographer
RAI, in the years following the dissolution Palmizi Stop Group, in 1986, Castle has created its own group research, called Aldes , creating shows with strong social and political forms of expression which combines heterogeneous technologies.
In 2003 he received the Premio Ubu Section Tatro -dance for the show 'The Best of Possible Worlds' in 2008 and opened SPAM, Centre for the Performing Arts Contemporary .
post here a video of a famous performance of Aldes entitled Scenes from a Marriage .

Link site Roberto Castello

A small historical parenthesis to introduce a bit 'part of what we're going to see Monday ... The situation is delicate because of the risk of not being understood or to propose anything too foreign to taste the general public tv.
Personally I hope that the maneuver TV + Contemporary Dance functions.
What do you think? I'd be curious to hear your feed - back after Monday!

updated the article posting here the video of the ending theme to come away with me, deliberately avoids making comments to the transmission. Instead I offer my congratulations to artist friends in this video!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Cervical Mucus After Depo

Angrigolo Post # 1

Since I and my Grigg share a passion to portray fairly fleeting caryatids mouflon will post my version of a pop disegnifera taken from "A Very Long Engagement" by Jean Pierre Jeunet.
Here you will find the version that seals our Grigolausa tête-à-tête matito cross- .

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How Long Can Ocular Migraines Last?

When school reform becomes opportunity

While the in defining the role of teacher can not be given in terms of stability and resistance to change, but understood as capacity experiment and to progress, then any school reform can be seen as opportunity for change.

Below you will find some slides dealing with this topic.