Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Length Of Floor Length Draperies

Aria di Festival

September, now the holidays are a distant memory. We all went back to our little habits, to the endless routine of working days, the happy-hour venting in alcohol where the frustration of not being able to tell the boss what they really think of him, to cinemino on Wednesday evening which costs one euro and fifty less.
Here: all'abbruttimento of this step comes in less than a month. If we want to keep a
attimino babes, meet new people, a breath of fresh air, here I am to suggest a few festivals where you can taste new and unusual id creation of young and established companies of national and international theater scene.

Festival Now in its fifth edition of the Festival for Contemporary Arts offers a rich calendar of events ranging from contemporary dance to experimental theater.
Terni, from September 23 to October 3 Different Places

Festival hosted this year in the halls of the renovated theater and beautiful Elf Puccini Course Buenos Aires and new headquarters of the Off Pim, with programming dedicated to the Italian scene and the U.S., big names in dance such as Made in USA Stephen Petronio and Alonzo King will alternate Italian Adriana Borriello and many names of young Showcase Italy.
Milan, from 8 October to 21 November
Elf Puccini Theatre - Theatre Off Pim

Festival Now in its twenty-fifth edition, the Festival is RomaEuropa Unver and its box of wonders: theater, cinema, music, dance, performance, and a festival in the round in short, to the standard of new languages \u200b\u200band of genres.
Rome from 21 September to 2 dicembre
Luoghi Vari

Vie Scena Contemporanea Festival
Un prezioso e ricco festival che si svolge in Emilia-Romagna nei territori di Modena, Carpi e Vignola. Offre nomi del panorama italiano ed internazionale d'avanguardia.
Quest'anno tra gli altri Pippo Delbono e il Workcenter di Jerzy Grotowski.
Modena, Carpi, Vignola, dall'8 al 16 ottobre
Luoghi Vari

On the Road - Short Formats 2010
Nuova veste per il festival dei 'pezzi brevi' diretto quest'anno da Massimo Carosi, e organizzato dallo storico CRT di Milano; The festival will take place in various places and it will be the banner of urban dance.
Milan, 8 to 10 October
Urban areas of zone 5


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wireless Computer Headset

Dialogue of Two Chief World Systems: paper books and electronic books

In the picture: ah as they were undoubtedly the most rewarding ways to the incunabula of the fifteenth century than to the books today!

- Have you seen the discussion a proposito "libro elettronico" sul blog di ReAnto?
- L'ho vista, l'ho vista, ma sono rimasto in disparte - però tu te la sei presa a cuore!
- Mah, un pochino sì. E' che a me le opinioni preconcette danno sempre fastidio, se poi sono unite a snobismo(anche non indie) mi fan venire la mia solita orticaria.
Questa del libro di carta contro il libro elettronico è una variante della solita mp3 contro cd contro dischi in vinile, ma se possibile è ancora peggio: perchè si svolge completamente in formato elettronico. E' un po' come girare un film che sostiene la superiorità assoluta del teatro sul cinema, oppure scrivere email che sostengono la superiorità assoluta della posta on the traditional mail.
- Ok, but by then the smell of paper weight, the weight of the volume, the beauty and character of the cover?
- More or less, a cock. I've never bought a book to smell or taste the paper pages, but only to read what is written above. It seems to me a thing, as it were, naturally, that should not even be questioned. A paper book is full of crap full of crap. The medium is the message at all.
- On this I disagree with you: there are means to "flatten" the message, distorting, the drugged. We want to take the example of television?
- Even no. This is what television indiesnobismo Luddite, as the rejection of the technology that replaces the bad good books. I do not think that television has lowered the level of education of the masses, I would say the opposite.
But regret is the coolest time before television, when all the free time reading Schopenhauer and listened to Mozart.
The web is a container of democracy and freedom, much more than a newspaper or a book. Why the web, you can participate. More than "where I put the notes in the margins", here for example there is a section of comments, which moreover do not remain only to you, but they are visible to anyone participating in the discussion.
- But not everything is new is good! So we run the risk of throwing away good things also.
- Maybe. But here we are anyway talking about messages, not containers. The original of, say, one of the Dialogues of Plato was probably written on papyrus, then was transcribed on parchment by scribes, was then printed with the various technologies available from time to time, and now you can find without difficulty anywhere.
Well, we do not believe it but words are always the same. The ideas do not change depending on the medium that contains it. So this focus on the container and not on the content, let us urticaria.
- In fact you could say that by being in the field the written word, any technological advance in its reproduction has contributed to further spread of the "book". If only for the increasing decline in the cost of reproduction and therefore the selling price. Unless you want to support that culture was more widespread and more accessible at the time of medieval scribes, or of the aristocrats of Athens.
- Yeah, and who knows how to complain "conservatives" of every age, supporting the parchment as a tactile experience was far below that of the papyrus, or the coldness of the tank than the diabolical machine Gutenberg Hot Gothic script of the scribes Tübingen, and so on.
- True, imagine that risucire have to find people who complain about the new social network "bad" (Twitter, Facebook) that remove public access to "good" blog ...
- And in all this, the best thing is that nobody has mentioned the object of debate with which I began: that the Kindle, which is a next-generation electronic reader, which has virtually nothing to do with the screen computer. But whatever the amount was to support the superiority of the paper.

Notes and links:
"Systems" is self-ironic, eh: the inspiration for the form is Gianni Brera, not Galileo Galilei:)

Friday, September 10, 2010

How Do I Get My Wax License In Ny

Dischichenonciarrivoproprio: Captain Beefheart - Trout Mask Replica

In the picture: just like all this hard! And what Obama has in hand is a copy left at the White House since Richard Nixon.

Here we are. Almost a request for this episode [1], but it is a "challenge" that I picked up willingly.
Why is my history with this record is long, I heard for the first time around 1985, then again a decade later, and a third time a few months ago.
Each time, got to the end of the album I thought "mah" and move on. [2]
After reading - really beautiful - review / essay linked by Sigur Ros [3] I tried again: the disk was left in the iPod and, with self-denial and discreet effort of will, I heard no less than four times from start to finish, on the way home-office-home office. [4]

I understand and I can appreciate the conceptual part of the work.
But, as already mentioned in the discussion cited in note 1, even before defining what the "pleasure" in music, I believe in listening to a disc it is needed. Whatever be your "listening pleasure" [5], here there is almost nothing that makes this for me .
's not that I fear for some 'noise, discord, dissonance.
But when the dissonance is the rule, when the "not nice" è cercato ostinatamente, quando disarmonia e assenza di melodia sono tutto quello che c'è, beh, mi arrendo.
E posso anche capire la scrittura rigorosa delle parti strumentali, la ricerca di un obiettivo pienamente raggiunto, cosicchè ogni cosa che si sente sul disco è esattamente quello che Captain Beefheart voleva si sentisse.
Ma quando lo scopo è realizzare qualcosa di inascoltabile [6], perchè dovrei ascoltarlo? Se lo facessi, contribuirei a non realizzare lo scopo per il quale il disco è stato registrato...

Questo disco potrebbe essere uno scolapasta senza buchi, magari ideato da un famoso designer: forse anche bellissimo, ma inutile.
E' un disco senza musica e senza canzoni.
There are some things I like about the same, mind you: the sound of the guitar is really nice, and that sound, that kind of interplay between the two guitars that sometimes intra-feel are in my opinion the thing that most influenced groups "heirs" of this disc.
for the rest:
- The voice is unbearable. The little voices and the loud voice, already I do not particularly like the disks of Zappa ...
- The songs "a cappella" [7] are irritating: the effect of "high mass" is disgraceful.
- Even the few times that the guitars are playing "together", the voice is not to lose too much time to follow: usually continues to go on his own.
- Low maybe there, maybe not. Not pervenuto.
- La batteria è veramente registrata alla cazzo.
- Il missaggio, sembra fatto a seconda di chi c'era in quel momento al mixer: un tecnico del suono, un passante, il cane di Captain Beefheart, il ragazzo dei giornali o la signora delle pulizie. La voce è spesso insopportabilmente alta, a volte le chitarre spariscono del tutto.
- A volte arriva un sax suonato alla cazzo, che fa tanto figo e free-jazz. [8]

E parlando delle non-canzoni:
- C'è un brano che sembra root-blues, d'accordo. Carino. E quindi?
- Ci sono un due/tre di pezzi dove il Capitano non canta. Mi immagino la band che si ritrova in studio: "Dov'è il capo? Ha detto che oggi non viene, cià mal di pancia." And down the run, all happy, to record a piece of shit without that voice over.
- The polyrhythm which is discussed in links, not hear it. "Polyrhythm" different rhythms are fused together, different rates in different songs (or several sections of the same song), or the one played as it happens.
- slide guitars (same source as above), boh. Sure who wrote that part of the disc has heard? I heard a slide maybe in a couple of songs.
- Texts, boh. They will also be beautiful, but do not understand them on the fly, I do not know enough English. Should I put myself there, try to listen only the text to try to understand: it is not something I normally do while listening to a disc.
- The songs have a big advantage: they are short. At least that. What then are many. I do not often look at the counter of the CD ("Where are we, the track number. 15? Shit, still 13?") And hope that you reach the end quickly.
This is one of the few discs that make me think "but how nice it is finished." [9]

So, to make a record that seems so completely did the fuck, there are two paths: either write everything exactly , note by note, always trying to give the impression of a random chaos, not at all controlled.
Or, more simply, to do this shit. How are you.
If you ask me, the second I said.

Notes and links:
[1] See the comment of Joyelle (27/08/10 13:13 hours) and following the post holidays finished.

[2] is not particularly original, but usually I could think of Battleship Potemkin.

[3] In its comments to the post mentioned in footnote 1 above.

[4] The very first result was a further decline of enthusiasm for going to work, now balanced by an unexpected drop of enthusiasm to go home ...

[5] That can be anything for me, checked the sound of the early Sonic Youth, the melodies buried under the feedback of My Bloody Valentine, de-structuring David Sylvian last sound, the sound of laptop Fennesz, minimalist drones of Richard Skelton.

[6] Version politcally correct "otherwise listenable".

[7] Not in the sense of "front end of the cock." Or maybe, in retrospect.

[8] And here, I have to say "no thanks". Not interested in the jazz, we're talking rock. I can not find the need to "dignify" the alleged grafting rock music more "high", such as jazz or classical music.

[9] To be clear, then comes Harmonica and leaves us a couple of sentences against the avant-garde music and in favor of the pop class: with so many albums of avant-garde / noise / drone-psychedelic / field recording did not even wait to arrive in half, pressing "stop" and delete from your perennial.