Monday, August 30, 2010

Army Wavier For Eczema

Fiori di Zucchina in Pastella con Formaggio Bastardo ed Erbe Aromatiche

Hello everyone! Tonight
post a quick recipe, ideal in summer and sees as its main ingredient the zucchini flowers, easy to find this season.
be accompanied by a jaunty glass of Prosecco, a delicious aperitif ...

10 zucchini flowers 100g
Bastardo semi-mature cheese (or cheese like Taleggio)
herbs (chives, basil)

For the batter: 200g of flour

two egg whites a tablespoon of oil a pinch of salt

tablespoon marsala

sparkling water Mix the flour sifted with salt, oil and Marsala wine. Then add a little 'and the clear water of the egg whites. Keep stirring and adding water until you obtain a cream rather dense and smooth.
At this point the flowers filled with balls of cheese that you have previously mixed with herbs, making sure you delete the pistils.
then immerse the flowers in batter and fry in hot vegetable oil.
Cook the flowers until they reach a nice amber color and then place them on a plate covered with paper towels. Let them cool slightly before serving.
Bon appetit!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Make Blueprints Online Free

Hello everyone!


- Sunday, September 26 AT THE "THE VILLAGE OF ANDREA" - Via Valscura , 45 - Creazzo (VI) it will be the topic "Basic acid: the body as deacidificare - Rapporteur Giampaolo Burbello - Moderator dr. John Babbolin.

- THURSDAY 'September 30 At the headquarters of "BIONATURALMENTEVITA SRL - Via Ferrarin, 53 - San Jose (Cassola) it will be the topic "Weight shape and style of life: how to be agents of their own health - Rapporteur dr. Luca Speciani - Moderators and Giampaolo Burbello dr. Babbolin John.

Given the limited seating, please book at the very first telephone number. 0424 30819 or 0424 504647 or send an e-mail to:

Ps: The entrance fee is 10.00 € for humanitarian projects in Benin (West Africa).

Monday, August 23, 2010

Dvd Carousel Recorder

Hello everyone!
from September 9 to September 12.
hours are open to the public on Saturday afternoons and Sundays!
For those interested we have the tickets "free" entry and "reduced" (instead of € 15.00 Entrance costs € 10.00).



Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How To Fake A Kidney Stone Attack

Polpo in umido con patate

almost feel embarrassed to break here, so indiscreet, after all this time, although it is my blog!
But fate takes me, these days, to wander to Land ... er ... sorry;)
Seriously, the time is what it is, but I promise that by September, the blog will be updated with more frequently, perhaps also giving more space to the section 'performing arts' ...
But now I post a recipe niente male che ho provato qualche sera fa...finalmente sono riuscita a ricreare il polpo in umido come l'avevo gustato in Grecia (o quasi!).
Questo fantastico viaggio nel Peloponneso risale al 2006, ma quel sapore non l'ho ancora dimenticato...Purtroppo non ricordo il nome del ristorante, ma posso dirvi che era a Gythio, all'estrema destra del lungomare (guardando il mare, dando le spalle al paese), se per caso passate da quelle parti fermatevi perché ne vale davvero la pena, vi fanno scegliere il pesce e ve lo cucinano direttamente sulla brace, inoltre, se vedono che siete buone forchette, per tutta la sera non fanno altro che portare in tavola specialità di pesce cucinato in ogni modo...adoro!

Ingredienti (per 4): 4
balls about 3 ounces each.
tomatoes sauce 4 potatoes a bit 'big

1 red onion 2 cloves garlic
carrot / celery
taste (parsley, bay leaf, thyme, rosemary, red pepper) salt

oil to taste a glass of white wine Dry

begin by saying that if you have a crock pot in the house would be great!
But even a good non-stick pan is fine ...
begin by making a soffrittino with carrot, celery, onion and garlic in olive oil.
After some minutes add the octopus in the meantime we will have clean (remove the eyes and teeth, we sacs and tentacles, cleaned very well under cold water). I usually cut the clam pieces not too small (I leave the length of the tentacles), but we can also leave it in one piece, aesthetically is definitely better, you just pay attention to the cooking (a bit 'more).
Fry along with the vegetables until they become our beautiful red octopus and a little 'curly, then we can pour the wine and cook until evaporated (7-8 minutes).
Now we can add the potatoes cut into pieces, the chopped tomatoes, salt and pepper. The water left from vegetables and octopus should be enough. Stir from time to time, ending each time with the lid (do not hold the flame too high, I would say that at the beginning can be lively, then reduce to a minimum). Cooking is about all'oretta and 1 / 4 or so. Towards the end of cooking (a half hour before the end) add the chopped flavors and mix well. The sauce will be very dense and at the end of the octopus should be soft.
You can serve with the croutons and served with fresh salad.
Bon appetit!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Can I Take Zopiclone And Diazepam Together

Madame Butter-blank Emotions

With a vocal range of sixteen octaves, Magda Krauss melts the hearts of others as if it were butter, d onando intense chills and vertebral fugitives.