Sunday, April 18, 2010
Do You Need A Small Game License
“Amici miei ... ci sono campi di frumento, mele così abbondanti da piegare i rami degli alberi, uva che riempie le vigne, erbe gustose e verdure da cuocere, c'è il latte e il miele odoroso di timo; la terra offre una grande quantità di ricchezze, che non provoca spargimento di sangue né morte...”. Pitagora
"Verrà il giorno in cui gli uomini giudicheranno l'uccisione di un animale come essi giudicano oggi quella di un uomo” Leonardo da Vinci
"Sono diventato vegetariano per ragioni etiche oltre che salutistiche. Credo che il vegetarismo possa incidere in modo favorevole sul destino dell’umanità" Albert Einstein
As you know, man has become carnivorous following ambient conditions [1 ] and now that the environment is under our control, we would expect that return to ancient typical eating habits of our ancestors (primates). It seems natural that, since the records had to get by without a major component in their carnivorous diet, we should be able to do the same.
Let's see why this assertion, focusing, given the content of the blog, the environmental and sustainable argument.
We do the math: the consumption of one kilogram of bread involves ecological footprint [2 ] of about 29.7 square meters. The same amount of beef results in a footprint of more than 300 square meters. The plant, whose production and consumption cycle is shorter, involve a footprint of about 7 square meters. The consumption of an egg results in a footprint of 2.53 square meters while drinking a glass of milk is approximately 4 square meters.
In theory, the planet would capable of providing space and food, at least at levels of subsistence, at approximately 50% of humans more than those of today. In fact, the grain produced today would be sufficient to provide a vegetarian diet to ten billion people.
Everything depends on our choices in life.
also interesting to observe that people are vegetarians live longer (the Hunza in Kashmir, Russians in the Caucasus, the Indians of the Yucatan and Toda), while people with life lowest average are the Eskimos, who eat almost esclusivamente carne e pesce.
Per seguire la linea che individua Einstein nella sua citazione di inizio post, eticamente l’ideale sarà arrivare a mangiare direttamente i frutti dalle piante, dagli alberi, dagli ortaggi (dal momento che è dimostrato che anche i vegetali “soffrono” se tagliati [ 3 ]).
In conclusione, non possiamo che sperare in un cambio di forma mentis che si attui in un nuovo stile collettivo culinario più consapevole ed evoluto.
In questo momento è il nostro pianeta a richiederlo e, a quanto pare, in Italia siamo sulla giusta rotta ( link )
[ 1 ] Lo zoologo Desmond Morris affrontò in maniera interessante l'argomento (compresi altri) ne “ La Scimmia Nuda - studio zoologico dell'animale uomo”,
[ 2 ] 's ecological footprint (from wikipedia) is an index statistical used to measure human demand against nature . It relates the human consumption of natural resources with the capacity of the Earth to regenerate them (to prove: )
[ 3 ] are famous research Cleve Backster (ex CIA, the father of the lie) on the plants and also the latest of Peter Barlow, University of Bonn , so as to create a new discipline plant neurobiology , or worthy of note in this regard are studies of Tompkins and Bird in " The Secret Life of Plants .
Friday, April 16, 2010
Flail Mower Attachment
's where I brought a new search:
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Handwritten Will Sample
project entered in the contest:
just three words to sum up my project: conception, reproduction, dissemination of the work of art which in my case dieventa a gadget, a gift for any event.
In similarity to the reproduction of the coins, too, I thought I'd play, using an unusual coin, a small object from affordable to anyone and sell it through the web documenting sales and feedback from buyers.
The mold used to print the reproductions is that of a "mouth", previously used as a single piece of other exposures.
mode of payment is automated, online via credit card or request qual'ora not possible a payment in cash.
graphical mapping of site visits to 12/04/2010 up to this link: Mapping up to 12/04/2010
referral link: http://www.labbramagnetiche.blogspot . com
BLUorG The Competition Under 35, closes the series of exhibitions on>> PROJECTS - BARI inCONTEMPORANEA <<>
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
Harsh Collection Letter Samples
Ps: Se avete bisogno di una pupazzata, andate in questo negozio virtual e ed ella esaudirà i vostri desideri pannolenciosi.