Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Big White Spots On Lcd Monitor

My miserable mansion Stanconiglia

Scusate il ritardo ma ultimamente sono stato poco bene, d'intestino.

Strangling Women Vidoes

Nessundorma (Bari) from 2 to 9 October 2009 Recommended

Passaggi Urbani
A cura di Giuseppe Bellini

S’inaugura venerdì 2 ottobre alle ore 21.00 presso gli spazi del Nessun Dorma di Bari (Via Fiume , 3, Bari) in collaborazione con L’Associazione Culturale BLUorG la mostra collettiva Passaggi Urbani a cura di Giuseppe Bellini.
La mostra vede coinvolti giovani artisti emergenti del panorama pugliese: Vincenzo Dirugiero, il Duo Pastike (Azzurra Castriota-Simone Forte), Teresa Romano, Marco Testini.

The city is seen as a place of continuous changes, subject to incessant changes and mutations, liquid spaces, which vary sensitive and adapt to the social and environmental.
vision and interpretation of urban space and its aesthetic and functional development and contamination socio - cultural art of the younger generation and prolific fertile ground for investigation.
The transfer of sensitive vision of the artist often captures perceptions, feelings, and memories linked to places of a city, in relation to the spaces they are thresholds that transit connection between the outside and places of gathering and exchanging . This creates a strong feeling empathy between the points of connection, the exterior and the city itself and its reality as experienced, sensitive and perceptive.
artists in the exhibition highlight the different dynamics with their being in the urban space in a state of constant becoming, and mutation of sites and information, providing a definition of way just suspended.

The exhibition will be open to the public until October 9, 2009.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Head Is Warm And Eyes Are Red

section B - Gallery Bluorg (Bari)

The second edition of the exhibition of contemporary art RECOMMENDATIONS, sponsored by the Cultural Gallery BLUorG ", opens today, September 15 at 19.30 hours at its offices in 1992 in Bari Marcello Celentano The project, brainchild of Professor. Giuseppe Bellini, edited by Justin Coda, along with the works of four artists Puglia: Francis Granite, Beppe Labianca, Rosemarie Sansonetti, Donatella Vox, which expressly declare their personal interest in the promotion and popularization of the new generations, presenting The search for four young artists: Danilo De Mitri, Pasquale Gadaleta, Sergio Racan, Marco Testino.

In a happy and familiar ways of confronting, the show offers a variety and a sequence of techniques and styles that lead the viewer to a vision suggestive of some fragments of contemporary art. In a game
mild Francis Granite choose antithesis, oxymoron taste of the binary relationship, in a unique and simultaneous presence of the physical and poetic. Reality and fiction, and thought a physical entity, weight and lightness. And the antithesis is negated, nullified in poetic form, and lightness of the rain that makes rock in a troubled relationship of mental tension.
Labianca Beppe is an entertainment and poetic self-portrait. The ferrous material is formatted as a simulacrum, a copy produced with fingerprints, marks and pigments. Available in a combination of symbolic and the spectacular mystery of life and death, in an inverter existence nell'inatteso lyrical approach of the blue sea.
The strength of the work of Rosemarie Sansonetti is the action of light, an instrument of knowledge, revelation, which makes us perceive what you can not see, a sort of search process of lighting that permeates the Zen culture. Portions of reality, geometric shapes whose materiality is given by the light that is clear dilatation and elusive, shape a spirituality that comes from the depths of the artist's research.
rethinking the boundaries of art, the iconography of the Annunciation changes in the work of Donald Vox. Gets rid of the scene, there is no home, no garden, absent the Virgin, mere presence is an angel messenger the angel in front of a window, arms raised to heaven: angel helper, a protector of suffering humanity?
Danilo De Mitri makes a strong use of the photographic lens. Songs of experience marked by emotional and sensory contamination, declined in an eager language. The exclusivity of a face or a female image clothes itself in a state of ambiguity, with charming and fascinating character hides behind tricks, and pictorial fragmentation, the woman, going beyond recognition in the careful design compositions that express love of life, pleasure and sadness together.
Pasquale Gadaleta imprisons its origins and its present, the memory material of the procession of his country and work as an artist, in a meditative dimension shaped by wax. Lock in a two-dimensional symbology archaic, which resurfaces the clever reworking of popular culture which becomes substantial mental substance. The projections are symbolic of the past require in the field, calibrated and raised in parts emerging and highly significant.
Sergio Racani offers a workshop for building synergy of "images and sounds that tell the indecipherable relationship with virtual reality. Since the creation and development of mathematical functions, the analysis of online chat as a new place to report, investigate with scientific aptitude sull'invisibilità that characterizes our era and on possible new concepts of identity.
It 's a way ironic irreverent but not that of Mark Testini. Removes a part of the body and once again the object, modifying the perception. A small sculpture loaded with color emphasis complacent and behold three mouths-flag whistling the national anthem. A playful invitation to the viewer behind attention to the significant contradictions and problems of three big states, far from the rhetoric of the country and its symbols.

Giustina Coda

Hq Celebrity Images Forum

theft during the show at the fair with the Foundation Correggiari

Young artists looking for new areas to grow

Other work on display

Marco Testino's work is selling like hotcakes Fair, literally. One element of achieving 'Fineart', the penultimate "white mouth" identifying the letter R, was in fact removed and the author is in possession of note is the date of theft, 13 September 2009. Marco Testino is one of six young artists from Puglia in the fair at booth 116, in the space dedicated to art and culture. Over-head in space 'black' that identifies the future works are the size of Blue Castriota, young fashion designer of Bari with Simone Forte has created Pastika, Angela Lomele Polignano with its play with blocks, Bice's Perrini Bari with its carpet handmade by Nepali women and Fabio Santacroce with his "Totem."

The exhibition of six young artists express themselves in an area identified by the color black, for once not the dismal darkness, but simply because their position is still undefined suffering from a lack of space and deep knowledge of creative paths. From time avant-garde art has certainly little room for Bari in Puglia and in general, and deserves more. With the black space that these young artists living in these days of trying to report a fair Puglia Spra for them, that for years he has not listened to or looked at them in passing.

There is a desire that has no dimension of culture. Even for this for three years at the Fiera del Levante, during the Fair, but not limited to personal conviction of the President Cosimo Lacirignola, it is carrying out an experiment that combines culture, entertainment and solidarity, because the fair is a meeting place, business, entertainment and above all cultural activities.

The stand 116 is not only welcomes young artists, the route leads through three different environments, including the past (in green), present (white candidates) and the future (just black). In the past six and eight hundred works, including where he won the landscape and nature, in the clean room but the expressive power of Beatrice Wood.

(from the site

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Bushnell Yardage Pro Trophy Review Golf

Habemus Logo

Il Primo cittadino della Piccola unità di produzione è lieto di presentarvi il logo della nostra amata città. In questo simbolo sono riunite le direttrici basilari sulla quale è fondata la nostra idea di sviluppo: gioventù, fertilità ed energia nucleare. Che la luccicanza atomica risplenda su tutti noi!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Help Virtual Villagers New Home

The National Gallery of Puglia moving between past This future - Exhibition Fiera del Levante, Bari 12-20 September 2009 Roberti

Cultura, spettacoli, solidarietà ed un forte lagame con la città di Bari. Si snoda così il nuovo ed eccezionale progetto di Giorgio Correggiari, che vede nel padiglione dedicato alla Cultura dalla Fiera del Levante, il luogo finalizzato a stimolare la conoscenza di opere d’arte pittoriche presenti in Puglia, di cui molte provenienti dalla Galleria Nazionale Devanna di Bitonto.

orario: La mostra sarà aperta al pubblico negli orari di apertura della Fiera.
biglietti: free admittance
vernissage: 12 settembre 2009.
Editors: Nuccia Pugliese Barbone, Giorgio Correggiari , Rosa Lorusso, Antonella Simonetti, Fabrizio Vona
authors: Emile Bernard, Joseph Casciaro , George Correggiari , Alessio De Marchis , Camillo De Vito, Salvatore Ferguson, J.Ph. Hackert , Angela Lomele , Pastika , Perrini Bice, Attilio Pratella , Oscar Ricciardi, Francesco Romano , Fabio Santacroce, Testini Marco, Teresa Romano , Herman van Swanevelt , Beatrice Wood

Culture is at the Fair. A pavilion dedicated to the circulation of new ideas and new thoughts.

Eighteen unpublished paintings and the launch of a new cultural identity of the city.

Culture, entertainment, and a strong solidarity with the city of Bari lagami It runs well and the new great project of George Correggiari who sees in the pavilion dedicated to the culture from the Levant Fair, the site aims to stimulate knowledge of works of pictorial art in Puglia, including many from the National Gallery Devanna Bitonto.

After the thaw of the brave and oppressed cultural precursors of new roads, walked with difficulty to the discovery of new avant-garde and dialogue with public institutions, three years from the Fiera del Levante started a new plan of Culture. The watch without anxiety for a radical change in the city even at the cost of losing the old references is the bold new vision of President Lacirignola Cosimo, who wants to reunite the Fair to the city of Bari, after years of indifference and remoteness. Not only meeting place and entertainment for the whole region, but also given a place of knowledge in itself has many reasons for creating art.

George Correggiari want to explore the reactions of ordinary people and now created with Fabrizio Vona, superintendent of the National Gallery of Puglia, the launch of a new vision of regional culture with eighteen paintings presented in the unedited 116 of the Trade Fair Hall from 12 to September 20.

Three large rectangles, one white, one green and one black.

White, the color of death east, is the space dedicated to present four works by Beatrice Wood: young at heart. "The women are all a bit 'artiste: have a sense of enchantment" ... This is the conviction of one who is considered the muse of American Dada. "

Green, the color of nature, to return to the landscape design of the nineteenth century with works by Alexis De Marchis, Herman Van Swanevelt, Camillo De Vito, Salvatore Ferguson, J.Ph. Hackert, Emile Bernard, Oscar Ricciardi, Attilio Pratella. Francesco Romano, Joseph Casciaro.

Black, for a future of which we know nothing with installations by six young artists from Puglia, the result of thoughts, ideas, hopes and conflicts that create the Bari tomorrow which already begin to live.

"The socio-cutural Bari is for me an inexhaustible source of inspiration to create great little moments psychologically fascinating" Correggiari says George. "I did not have a precise idea of \u200b\u200bhow this space would be the culture or what he would say, and this gave room for my creativity even though my efforts are focused in giving a thickness and size to make it truly accessible ".